We've been worried that he may also be threatening her, but she told us that he's sent her weekly texts, only begging her to take him back. While he was a controlling son of a bitch, he never made her feel physically threatened.

The next fifteen days will be dedicated girl time, but by ten o'clock, I've already gotten twenty texts from Parker.

I know he's panicked, so I respond to each as quickly as I can, and update him on what I'm doing as much as possible.

He also admitted to checking me out on the cameras every time I take Birk outside, and once again, they've only been gone for twelve hours. Luckily, according to their schedule, it's time for the guys to sleep, so I shoot them all a goodnight text and return to my conversation with Ellie.

"It was just a new years kiss!"

I lightly slap her shoulder.  "There was way too much tongue for me to consider that as just a new years kiss."

"I was drunk," she shrugs.

"Nice try, El. We drank the same amount, and I was only tipsy. And we know just how much of a lightweight I can be."

I watch closely as she starts to blush, "okay, maybe it was more than a new years kiss."

"I kn-"

"But," she cuts me off, "he's going to Colorado, and there is zero chance of me being anywhere near there. Therefore, we've decided it was simply a new year's kiss between two friends."

Like a child, I lean back, crossing my arms in a pout. "We could go on double dates."

"And have to watch you two be all in love? No thanks," she chuckles.

Birk jumps on the couch and wedges his big body right between us, flinging his body around in excitement, the same way he always is when it's just the three of us hanging out.

He also does a good job at ending our conversation, saving Ellie from my laundry list of interrogative questions.


The boys' last game is tomorrow, and they'll finally be home the day after that.

We've really missed them. Physically, at least.

With the number of texts I've received, it sort of feels like they never actually left. Including the fact that Parker continues to check the cameras every time I walk in and out of their house, letting me know how good he thinks I looked right after.

I'm walking up to the front door with Birk when I hear a scream from inside, sending both of us into an immediate sprint.

"Ellie!" Birk barks alongside me as we rush inside, my eyes searching everywhere for her.

She comes bounding down the stairs, and jumps on top of me, bringing us both to the floor as Birk follows.

"Are you okay?" I'm out of breath, stressed beyond belief.

"I got in! I got in!" She screeches straight in my ear.

I push her off of me and sit up, eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"Tennesse, they accepted me," her heavy breathing matches mine.

I let out a freaky noise and hug her again, bringing us back to the floor, where tears leak from our eyes. "Does this mean what I think it means?"

"We're moving to Tennesse, baby! Let's fucking celebrate!"

It doesn't matter if Ellie is accepted into any other schools, she and I are moving to the same state. Granted, Nashville and Knoxville are a few hours apart, but it's a quick car ride instead of by plane. She won't have much free time, but when either of us gets an odd day off, we'll be able to see eachother.

I rush upstairs to change and get ready while Ellie calls her parents and brother, and texts the guys her good news. They're in warmups right now, so they won't see her text until after the game, but I decided to shoot a quick one to Parker anyways.

Me: look at El's texts first so I don't spoil her news

Me: with that being said, we're going out to celebrate for a bit. I'll be safe, don't worry about me

Me: good luck tonight, I love you and I cant wait to see you in a few days

Hoping that'll be enough to hold him over, we finish getting ready and head out to the bar right next to campus.


We decided to take an uber so that we could both drink tonight, responsibly, of course.

Wink, wink.

Thirty minutes into the night, we've both had two margaritas, and I made the terrible decision to break the seal. Just as we begin to walk out of the family stall again, Ellie yanks my arm and pulls me back inside.

"Josh just walked in," she whispers, panicked.

"Fuckfuckfuck," I whip my phone out in the quick decision to text Austin.

Ellie peers over my shoulder, "who is that?"

I show her my screen, our messages pulled up. I just told him where Ellie and I are, and that Josh and his teammates just showed up. I also followed it up with a short, just wanted to let you know, don't feel the need to rush over!

To be honest, I'd actually really like him to get his ass over here as soon as possible, but I also don't want to burden him.

When someone finally begins to bang on the door, we glance at eachother.

"We have to walk out at some point," I link our arms, "and we're not letting that dick ruin our fun."

"You're right," she tits her chin up and leads us out, straight to the barstools.

My eyes widen when we sit down, noticing Austin and a few of his friends sitting at the other end. He briefly nods in my direction, returning his attention to the people around him to not raise suspicion.

Just the sight of him relieves tension from my body, and the margarita being placed in front of me will only increase that relief. Downing it quickly, we both keep our backs to Josh and his teammates, trying to ignore his presence.

Fun fact, when I get drunk, I become a woman of nature. Enclosed spaces are my kryptonite, and many times I find a way to escape to fresh air.

Tonight, I feel particularly hot and sweaty, and my usual craving for said fresh air is heightened.

"El," I slur, "I'm gonna go outside for a minute."

She goes to hop off of her stool, but I raise a hand to stop her.

"No, you stay. You haven't finished your drink."

"Kota, I'm not letting you go by yourself," she hurriedly whispers.

I set a hand on her shoulder, "I will handcuff you to this chair."

My body sways as I stumble away, not giving her the chance to respond, my need for air growing by the second.

Apologizing to everyone I run into on my way out, I feel eyes burning into my back, but it may just be the alcohol. Just as I step through the back door, a body slides in front of me, stopping my movement.

"If it isn't the fucking whore," Josh's gravelly voice rings in my ears.

When I finally manage to open my eyes wide enough to look up at him, strong hands wrap around my exposed arms, squeezing tight. I'm unable to react, my body feels like it's going limp, and I have no control over it.

"Feeling tired?" He chuckles, slamming my back against the brick wall, eliciting a pained groan from me.

I truly don't know if I hallucinate it, but I see a fist fly into Josh's ugly face, right before my world turns black and I crumble to the ground.

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