"No, what's up?"

He steps fully inside, waving a hand, "come on, I wanna take you somewhere."

I learned a very long time ago not to ask questions, so I just slip my shoes on and follow him out to the car.


Connor takes me about forty minutes from the city to one of his favorite running trails. Well, he runs it, I just walk it like a normal person.

"I don't think I wore the right shoes for this," I grimace, feeling dirt settle between the bottom of my foot and the rubber of my slides.

He smiles, flinging an arm over my shoulders and veering me toward the gazebo hidden right off of the path. "I guess I could've warned you, but you did hide something from me, so let's call us even."

My head tilts back as I laugh. "I would've told you eventually, I just didn't think about it."

"Mhm," he nods, sitting down with me.

"Did you bring me out here to hide from Brooks?"

"No, but that guy is clingy, isn't he? This morning he was in my bed when I woke up, but for whatever reason, he's still my best friend."

This is not unusual for Brooks. Some nights he claims that he just needs company, and he doesn't make it a habit of staying with girls after they're done hooking up, leaving him to seek us for comfort. Ellie and I don't always mind though, we've even made pillow forts a few times and cuddled all night.

"He is pretty great," I smile to myself.

"We're getting off-topic," Connor turns his body towards me. "I'm going to tell the rest of our families tonight, but I know you'll kill me if I don't tell you first."

"Get on with it then," I poke his cheek.

He takes a deep breath, looking nervous. "Colorado wants me."

"What?" I feel my eyes start to water and I grip his bicep.

"They're going to call me up in March. I'm going to Colorado, Kota."

Sitting on my knees, I fling my arms around his neck just as the tears start flowing. "If this is a joke, it's not funny."

Connor chuckles, hugging me back. "It's not a joke, I found out a few weeks ago."

"A few weeks?" I yell, slapping his shoulder. "And you're just telling me now?"

"Dakota," he deadpans, "your big mouth would've told all of our parents if I told you then."

I accidentally snort but blame it on the tears. "You're probably right." Sighing, I hug him again, "I'm so fucking proud of you."

"Thank you," he chokes out, a sure sign that he's crying too. "Promise you'll come to visit me up there?"

"Con, what are you talking about?" I pull back, wiping my face with my sleeve.

"I think we both know where you'll end up," he whispers, "and it's not Colorado."

My brows furrow.

"Kota, I'd bet all my money that you won't want to leave him, and you shouldn't."

It's funny how well we really know eachother. One summer, he was gone for four weeks at hockey camp and we weren't able to talk. When he finally came back, it was like I was there with him. Any story he told me, I already knew how it would end. Basically, we share a brain.

Resting my head on his shoulder, the tears come even harder. "I'm so sorry, Con. I know we had a plan, and I'm not following through on it."

"No, you don't have to apologize." Rubbing my arm, he sniffles. "You deserve the world, and he loves you so goddamn much, I would be the worst friend in the world if I expected you to give that up for me."

"I'll come to visit you every chance I get, but you have to do the same," I squeeze his hand.

"I'm going to fly down much that you'll get sick of me, I pinky promise."

Linking my pinky around his, I kiss the tip of my thumb. We haven't done this since our senior year of high school when he made me promise never to tell anyone that I walked in on him...enjoying himself.

My eyes still burn occasionally.

"When did you decide on Nashville?"

"Technically I haven't accepted the offer yet, so nothing's set in stone," I explain. "But last weekend I talked with Parker's dad about everything and it just put things into perspective, I guess."

He gasps dramatically, "are you replacing me as your therapist?"

"Never," I smile, the tears finally subsiding.

"I'm surprised Park hasn't said anything to me yet."

"He doesn't know, I'm telling him when I give him his Christmas present."

Connor wipes one last tear from his cheek, "he's gonna lose it."

"Oh, I know. Enough about me, what did Ellie say about all this?"

"I haven't told her," he chuckles slightly. "We both agreed though that we only want something casual, I mean, we know no matter what that we'll be living in separate places."

Hearing him say that only makes me more grateful that Parker and I won't have to split up next year, and I really would be stupid to give that up.


Only a few hours later, Connor sat our parents down and told them the news, and everyone was crying once again. And because we're the world's cruelest children, I also announced that I'll be moving to Nashville.

To no one's surprise, Brooks was sobbing the loudest, even though he knew about Connor already.

Our moms have been sworn to secrecy when Parker comes in ten days because I know that they'll be too excited to keep things in.

"Both of our babies are growing up," Connor's mom weeps.

Brooks throws an arm around each of our moms, "they really do grow up in the blink of an eye."

"Sometimes I really question why I love you so much, son," my dad gives him a look of bewilderment.

At the sound of my dad calling him son, Brooks' head shoots up and he's out of his seat, rushing to wrap his arms around my father in no time. I think I even see some tears in his eyes as well.

Connor also gives us all early Christmas gifts, signed jerseys with his name and number on them so we can say we were the first people to have a Connor Hunt Avalance jersey.

What makes them even more special is the note he wrote for all of us on the back. Mine says:

To my forever best friend,

I wouldn't be here without your constant support, I hope I make you proud. I love you.

Which had me weeping all over again, getting tears and snot all over his Christmas pajamas as I held him.

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