"I know you don't believe me but it's true." I stared at my lap this entire time while I was explaining what just occurred to me.

"Y/n I think you were just sleeping with your eyes open but that is one vivid vision you had."

I raised my brow and inspected him in the corner of my eye, trying to see if he was lying. I didn't see anything besides sternness in his expression. I turned my head to face him completely.


"Yeah really."

"Oh okay then, if you say so.."

Who would believe me when I tell them this? I should start to listen to my own advice from now on since nothing like this happened to my brother so of course he's not going to buy this type of story. I watched him get up and leave the room not before smiling at me, leaving me alone in my thoughts. I know what I experienced and it's not a lie I made up. I guess it's just me alone with this whole different dimension thing and help myself. I'm just going to go and sleep then decide if this is going to be a dream or not but I truly hope it is. I pulled the blanket over myself and took one quick nap. I sealed my eyes shut and waited until I faded away from reality. I wonder if I will ever go back?

It felt weird at first that my head was on a table with my arms covering it. That was until I lifted my head after making my decision of waking up to see what dream I am having and then regret it when I found myself in a restaurant with Chrollo in front of me smiling at me with a book he was reading before. I gazed down at my blue dress with a short layered skirt and a white vest that was similar to a sweater, covering me. Am I on a date?

"I see that you finally woke up, how was your nap?" Chrollo questions with a genuine smile on his face. He watches my confused expression spread across my face when I was eyeing my surroundings. "I assume that you had forgotten that we were on our date."

"Oh I just had a strange dream that's all but I didn't forget" I forced myself to smile in an attempt to cover up the look I sent when I woke up. "It was pretty embarrassing for me to fall asleep like that."

"It's fine, besides you look peaceful while you sleep so I didn't want to wake you up."

I stared at him as he went back to reading his book then flipped through the next page. The food was laid out on the table; they smelled amazing and what's even good is that one of my favorite food was here.

"It's a good thing you woke up in time or else the food would be cold." He said while his eyes were focused on the page he was in.
The date went smoothly for me as I went on eating while Chrollo talked sometimes before going back to read his book which he always does since it's his hobby. I wished I researched him before going to sleep but I didn't expect myself to come here again. And by the time it was all over, I went through my own memories to let myself know what had happened when I was gone to blend in and pretend that I was normal like everyone else.

And it turns out I declined his offer of hanging out with him and later on after a few weeks we met up again but this time I accepted going on a date with him out of boredom. I do remember going home and then passing out when I was in the kitchen which led me back to my universe.

After Chrollo paid the money even though I insisted to do it, we both went out of the place we were dining at. My white heels clatter each sound we both walk and it was a good thing I was wearing those tight black leggings to a date instead of exposing my legs.

"Y/n you're pretty interesting I desire to see you again." Chrollo started the conversation as we walked through the silence.

"Oh really?"
We stopped in front of his black car that was parked. We looked at each other.

"Mind if I can give you a ride?"

"Oh that's fine you don't have to I can go home by myself." I reassured him, putting my hands up and waving them.

"Are you sure because it's quite late and I don't want you to run into bad people you know" He stared at me worriedly before continuing, "didn't you say that your phone is already dead."

Now that sure reminds me that there is no way I can refuse to take a ride when some kidnapping occurs in the middle of the night. If my anime self accept the date then I have to agree to take a ride home to play along.

"If that's so then okay I guess."

"Excellent, let's go."

After we got inside the car the engine started and we took off.

"Y/n do you believe in soulmates?" Chrollo asked while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Sometimes I do but I don't really so no."

"Sometimes you do?"

"It depends if I see it myself, but my father once told me that soulmates are created from your backbone and that backbone is what keeps you attached to your destined partner."

"I never expected your father to think that way but I seem to like it."

Once we reached my home he didn't stop driving, my stomach started to churn and I got a really bad feeling. The memory of criminal minds episode one flashed through my mind; the day were Heather got abducted on a rainy day when she got inside a man's car who she doesn't know anything about. I started to feel sick.
"You're not really planning on letting me go home, are you?" I questioned him, trying to ease my nervousness and keeping my mind calm. I really should have walked home to my bus stop rather than getting into his car.

"You seem to know and you are correct—I am not letting you leave me too easily."

I read something like this before.

"You think we're soulmates? Because you asked me about whether or not I believed in soulmates."
He didn't answer but he kept his smile on his face and it was unnerving

Fantasy DayDreams (Yandere various Hunter x hunter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now