Chapter 13: A New Year's Wish

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You had just finished doing some paperwork regarding your work(it was an analysis on all the sea creatures you'd taken care of in the past week), when you heard the doorbell ring.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll get it."

You smiled as you watched a grumpy Zane hop out of his chair to get the door.

Surprisingly, you'd fallen asleep at his place.

You accredited this to the amount of comfort you felt in his house since he had electricity and it was warm in the house.

After baking the previous day with you, he didn't seem to mind as much, and even took the liberty of bringing your things into his spare room.

You of course weren't going to stay there or anything, but, Lucinda wasn't home and it was kind of nice having company. You weren't used to being alone since you'd moved onto the street. Besides.

Zane had electricity.

After the snowstorm, power had gone out at your place and the repair guy was only coming in the afternoon.

"What? Why do you think that I know where she is?"

"Because you're her next door neighbor baby brother, and I've seen you talking with each other before. You clearly don't hate her."

You were brought out of your thoughts by the sound of a certain blonde's voice.

"Ugh. You're so annoying. Can't you find someone else to bother, just because she's my neighbor doesn't make me obligated to look for her."

You walked up to the doorway seeing the polar opposite siblings standing a distance from each other.

"Why would you look for me when I'm in your house?" You asked.

Zane rolled his eye(s), but Garroth on the other hand did a double take.

"Oh! There you are (Y/N). We were actually just looking for you. We knocked at your door but you weren't there." Laurance said to you with a smile on his face.

"Well that's because she was here, if that wasn't already obvious." Zane replied with yet another eye roll.

"What are you doing in Zane's house
(Y/N)?" Garroth finally spoke, ignoring his brother completely.

"Oh well-"

"She was spending the night. Not that it's your business though."

Zane spoke in a tone that seemed foreign for him. It was almost as if you could hear the smirk in his voice.

Laurance raised an eyebrow but Garroth's creased and you couldn't read his expression.

However the moment was fleeting and he shook his head before smiling at you.

"Well, if it was with you I'm sure it was nothing serious. Anyways, we wanted to invite you to our New Year's Eve party we're having," the blonde said.

"You do know...-"

"That New Year's Eve is tonight? Yeah, we know." Laurance chuckled as he predicted your words seamlessly.

You gave a small smile.

"Well I'll be there. Zane are you going?"

The masked man seemed slightly surprised you'd asked.

"I mean..Aphmau just texted me about it but I hadn't really thought much about it yet." He said.

"Oh don't be silly baby brother, you're always welcome at my house."

You only smiled and shook your head as Garroth fussed over Zane a bit before Laurance pulled him off, stating that they needed to head to the next house to invite a few other people.

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