Crossing Paths

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Barry Pov:

After a long day of trying to find a way to save my dad's winery I finally headed back home. When i walked through the door i could practically smell my mum's cooking, she was making her famous chilli which honestly makes my day better. I washed up and got into some clean clothes before joining my parents at the dinner table.

"Barry slow down "- My mum says as i filled my bowl up with loads of chilli and began eating it all up

"So how are things going on in the vineyard?"- Dad asks

"Is getting there i guess i really think that we should..."- I was about to say something but rethink my thoughts cause i knew my father would disagree with whatever idea i had that will really help out the business

"Anyway get some sleep tonight cause tomorrow morning we will be making a trip to National City to meet with an old friend of mine"- Dad says

"Dad as much as i would want to go but i feel i should stay there is still so much to do and i really need.."- He cuts me off

"Your coming along with Barry and that's final "- My dad says not really giving me a choice. I sighed and just finished up dinner. Once i finished clearing the table i went and packed my things up, i wonder who we were meeting...

It was not that long of a drive to National City, we checked into a hotel and i went for a walk around the city, exploring it I found a place called Noomans. I went in to order myself a cup of coffee, after grabbing my cup i walked out and this blonde woman bumped into me costing me to spill coffee all my shirt.

"Watch it"- She says

"Me? if you weren't on your phone you would be able to see where your going and not bumping into people like that"- I protest she scoffed and walked away i then see her getting in a car and drove away i sighed and this is why i hate city people. I threw my cup away and was about to make my way to the hotel and change before i met with my father's friend. When i got back my parents were gone, mum texted that they made their way to the house of dad's friend. What happened to dinner being at night or something. I put on a dress shirt cause i apparently was meant to be looking fancy or something for them. If i had not emphasised it enough, the city is the worse i swear i feel like is just me but the i could not hail a god damn cab i'm just grateful for that couple that hailed one and let me have after knowing i was in a rush. I gave the taxi driver the location and after 15 minutes or so we arrived at the destination. After getting out of the cab i headed in the tall building and was escorted by a few tall men who told me to take the lift up to the penthouse where they are waiting already. But with sheer utter luck i saw her...

third person perspective:

The Danvers and Allen were all sitting at the dining table. Kara was scrolling through her phone for business waiting for the son of Henry and Nora Allen. Jeremiah told her to put her phone down, they soon heard footsteps and there he was Barry Allen. Kara was stunned to see it was the guy who she bumped into in the morning. Barry too was still annoyed with their encounter , after greeting his parents and her parents they introduced each other and gave a simple handshake, he sat down across Kara. Their parents were engrossed in their own conversations while the two were playing with their food and couldn't get over the weird tension in the air. Once they had gotten to dessert it was finally time for the talk..

"Let's get to it shall we?"- Jeremiah says earning confuse looks from Kara and Barry

"That was the main purpose of this meet up isn't it"- Henry

"purpose?"- Kara asks

"Kara you have proved over and over to me your mother why you are gonna be the next danvers to officially take over our Danvers empire, but then again Kara we wouldn't want you to do it on your own..."- Jeremiah

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