Night 2

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After Wanda left,I started to wonder what she meant by 'she had beaten Mortem'. I decided to look up what the word meant. From what I had just heard,I wasn't too shock to learn that 'Mortem' meant 'death' in Latin.

It was about 11:38 am,and I finally turned the game back on,I put some headphones in and I was once again greeted by the title screen.

I pressed 'Continue Night 2'. The words Night 2 showed once again on a pitch black screen written in red. This time the words appeared to be melting.

The phone guy didn't sound as bored or angry as last time. He was more calm and started his call by saying, "Hello? Hey,look I'm sorry for being rude last night. I don't typically like other people,just because of what's happened in the last few years...." The rest of phone call went on to explain some more of the animatronics mechanics.

The second night was a little different. I actually saw the animatronics move up to the door,and watched them walk past the glass. It was about 3 am when I got jumpscared by one of the half-Bonnie's.

The screen went black and the words 'Game Over' was written and dripping in blood.

I immediately started looking around,making sure that other people were still around. There was,and I stopped panicking.

I went back into the night and it started normally. But once I got to 3 am,I could hear some kind of noise. I paused the game and took my headphones off,I could barely hear it. I put my headphones back on and kept playing.

Around 4am the sound became more clear. I paused the game again and listened closely. It sounded like some kind of screaming. It was loud enough that I could hear it properly,in fact I think everyone else should've been able to hear it,but nobody was doing anything to show concern. Not even a glance outside.

I must've been hearing things again,but at least I could determine that this time. I put my headphones back on and continued playing.

I got to 5am and the screaming suddenly got even louder. I closed my computer and frantically looked around for the source,it sounded like it was in the building. I stood up and ran around looking for it. It lead me outside,I ran down the street,and the screaming got louder,and more blood curdling.

I finally got to the source,I ran past an alleyway,I stopped and looked back in. The screaming suddenly stopped. I ran into the alley. I found the source. I let out a quick scream.

Right in front of me,was a man,disfigured,halfway down his body.

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