It is sunny out but still raining. Maybe a rainbow will appear?

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Sorry, I would have made something better if I knew you were coming over." Basil rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"It's good." Sunny began eating the tofu and Basil did the same. The silence was suffocating and Sunny wishes he had a script to read off of. What was he meant to do now? Maybe he should have come when he could get all of his thoughts straight. This was an awful idea, why did he do this again? He should have never came over, this is stupid he's stupid-

" has everything been going now that everyone knows?" Basil asked Sunny, "Kel sometimes visits me and Aubery doesn't bully me anymore."

"That's good. I also get to see Kel a lot. Hero has been distant and Aubery visited once but that was it." Sunny informs taking the finishing bite of his food.

"That is to be expected, after all, Hero and Mari were..." Basil gave a nervous chuckle.

"Remember how they tried to hide it?" Sunny asked.

"Pff- yeah, 'we're not dating! W-we were just uh, testing our kissing skills!'" Basil laughed as he did his best Hero impression.

Sunny gave a small smile, feeling like he just won the lottery being able to make Basil laugh. It has been a while since he last did.

"Wanna listen to some music?" Sunny decided to ask after Basil's laughter had left the room.

"What type?" Basil asked curiously.

"I..." Sunny trailed off, he doesn't know what type of music Basil likes, "I don't know, what do you like?"

"Um it actually might be surprising but I like those sorta songs that start light but get heavy, do you know what I mean?" Basil asked.

"Hmm, so sorta like this?" Sunny whipped out his phone and went on Youtube, pulling up a song called My Time by Bo en.

He pressed play and thus the song began to play.

"Close your eyes you'll be here soon. Ichi ni san shi go fun," The song rings out as the lyrics go to a calm yet circus-like instrumental, "Tokidoki, hontou ni netai. Demo, kono waado dekinai."

"O-ya-su-mi, O-ya-su-mi, O-ya-su-mi, O-ya-su-mi," The song repeated, taking pauses in between notes.

"Oyasumi! Oyasumi, close your eyes and you'll leave this dream! Oyasumi! Oyasumi! I know that it's hard to do." The beat suddenly dropped and the lyrics suddenly became darker.

"DAYS GO BY, SHO GA NAI, MOMENTS PASS, SHATTERED GLASS, WHERE'S THAT CHIME? IN MY HEAD? I'LL JUST- I'LL JUST- I'LL JUST-" Basil paused the song and looked over to Sunny who was awkwardly looking away silently regretting his song choice.

"...Well that was intense," Were the only words Basil mumbled before sighing, "Do you..wanna hang out in my room? I have a notebook so we can doodle a bit."

"S-sure..." Sunny picked up his phone and pocketed it away, still silently regretting choosing that song. It might have been too intense for Basil's liking. God damn it Sunny can't you do anything right?

Meanwhile, Basil made a mental note in his head to ask for the song's name later. He doesn't know why but it sounded a bit familiar, maybe it played on the radio?

They entered Basil's room which was as clean as it was when Sunny last saw it, with flower pots hanging from the ceiling and on mini tables. So basically Basil's room was still the same minus the bloodstain on the carpet from the "incident" as town folk like to call it.

"No one bothered cleaning that up?" Sunny asked, pointing to the stain. He was sure by now that it would have been rid of.

"Guess they were too busy focusing on us...I should buy a new carpet later." Basil sighed to himself.

Sunny realized that maybe now would be a good time to finally get the thing he came here for off his chest.

"...I am sorry..."

"Sorry for what? Bleeding?" Basil asked, tilting his head.

"No I-I am sorry...for not being there when you needed me," Sunny mumbled but it was still loud enough for Basil to hear, "On the night I first came here after four years and you entered the bathroom...I shouldn't have left you alone there, I abandoned you and that was just messed up."

"..." Basil only stared at him and silence before speaking up, "Well I did the same didn't I?"

"What do you mean?" Sunny asked, confusion written on his face.

'I-I mean...I and the others after M-Mari's death. We left you, alone, for four years!" Basil grabbed Sunny by the shoulders.

"You may have left me in a bathroom crying, sure, but I gave up on you! I gave up on trying to help you and what happened? You stayed in your room for four years, locking yourself away from us because we were so awful at trying to help you!" Basil began to rant angrily, not at Sunny but himself.

"Not only that, I ruined your eye! Me! I did that to save you from a fake monster I made up because I couldn't see the truth! The truth of an accident! You never did anything wrong! I did everything wrong! I came up with the plan to fake Mari's suicide, I was the one who allowed you to trap yourself in your room, I stabbed your eye out! I-I..."

Basil collapsed to the floor in tears, "I am a god awful shouldn't be here for me, you should leave me just like everyone else did before this. I am a failure..."

Sunny also had tears coming out of his eye at this point as he sat down next to his friend and hugged him. Basil seemed shocked at this before hugging back and crying over Sunny's shoulder. Stains from the tears appeared on both of their shirts as the two boys cried together.

"I...I never knew that...Basil, I am...fucking god Basil, I need you to know right now that I never blamed you or Hero or Kel, not even Aubery for what happened. We were twelve and stupid, how were we meant to know that any of this was going to happen? Please stop blaming yourself. We have changed. We can still make differences. So let's begin by making a promise, okay?"

Basil sniffled before letting out a mini hum to let Sunny know to continue.

"We're going to be there for each other okay? I am not leaving you anymore." Sunny stated. He was never going to let his closest friend feel like this again.

"O-okay...I won't leave you either..." Basil mumbled into Sunny's shirt.

The two boys separated and smiled at each other. They may have messed up on caring for each other in the past, but the past won't prevent the light from shining to a good future.

Stuck In ParadiseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon