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February 10th, 1999.| Allen's POV.
The West Milton.

My final moments to rest before the game were always my best times in life

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My final moments to rest before the game were always my best times in life. To be away from people, and be in my own space. To create my own vibe, set my own mood. It was something that I adore doing, and knew that there was nothing that could mess it up.

I laid up on my couch, toying around with my audio system. I had my neo-soul selection of music playing at the moment, but wanted to change the song. In midst of that, I heard a knock on my door. Opening it, seeing who was there wasn't any of surprise.

" What's going in here? You havin' a spiritual mediation session going on or something?"

I couldn't even open the door fully before allowing Niko through. He barged in, making himseld comfortable. It wasn't anything that wasn't normal.

" What are you doing here bro? You know what time is it, right?"

" You said I could stop by man.."

" Niko, when did I ever say something like that?"

" Last week."

A smile went across his face, and I sucked my teeth. He was all in the kitchen, raiding through my fridge like he owned the place.

That was Niko though. Growing up with him, he was always the one to be on the wild side. He'd be the one your moms would tell you to watch out for. My mom would have told me the same thing, had we not known the real him. Being that he was a clown in high school, no one would've thought that Niko would have had good grades. It was hard to assume that when he always late to class, or didn't show up. But Niko knew his way around, and knew how to use his brain and the attributes he had. The thing with him is that only applied himself to things that mattered to him. And working a 9-5 and being in school wasn't one of them.

He wanted to be his own boss, have his own way of hustle. Being a rapper and hosting clubs is how he did just that. Having me around as his friend gave him lee way as well, so he was quite the force to be reckoned with.

" So. What's the 411 with you?" the man said, warming up and eating the rest of my leftovers. "You ready to give Shaq that work tonight?"

" I'm tryna be." I say, my tone being flat.

" Oh, well shit...my bad for disturbing the peace." Niko says,  picking up a piece of chicken and biting into it.

"...Ain't nothing really been going on other than the regular." I say, answering the rest of his proposed question. "Only thing that's really been on my brain is the chat I had  with my moms."

" Word? About what?"

" Man. Mia's buggin, calling my moms and shit tryna get in contact with me. That an–"

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