Zanpakuto spirit:what is it

Trunks:does Goku really have to die to learn super saiyan 3 I mean think about it gotenks figured it out and he was technically alive

Zanpakuto spirit:I suppose that is a good point however in the anime didn't Goku show then how it was done

Trunks:but in the manga I think all they had to go on was when he used it against buu it's hard to remember

Zanpakuto spirit:if that's the case... Shouldn't you be able to achieve it.. You have the knowledge of how Goku explained it to the boys

Trunks:think I should focus on you and super saiyan 2

Zanpakuto spirit:I'm honored to be a priority but maybe you should master your normal super saiyan form... Perhaps the time chamber in the future

Trunks:we're see looks like he's landing now

Cutting off the conversation as the wait for freeza was over trunks begins to make his way to freeza and his men to introduce himself stopping short of being seen from either the "Z fighters* and freeza his father and their men trunks is interrupted

Zanpakuto spirit:thought... Is the time chamber in the future still around

Trunks:we're having this conversation now

Zanpakuto spirit:well I'm just curious

Trunks:I don't know we're find out when we get back

Zanpakuto spirit:what about 17 and 18

Trunks:while I love our conversations I'm in the middle of-

Zanpakuto spirit:hey are those solders moving out


Trunks ends the conversation and jumps in grabbing his sword's handle and quickly killing all of the men that just tried to leave the area

Trunks:so.... If this were a scavenger hunt... How many points would those have been

King cold:who in the world

Trunks:you see what you made me do I didn't hear them so I had to say something that they wouldn't get

Freeza:1 point each

Zanpakuto spirit:looks like he gets it

Trunks:so then you must be freeza

Freeza:you're forgetting the Lord before my name earthling

Trunks:you can be a Lord in hell..after I send you there

Freeza:tch... You have a big mouth soldiers... Kill him

Freeza soldier:but Lord freeza he just turned and entire squad into nothing

Freeza soldier 2:move over dumbass

Freeza soldier 2 aims a blaster at trunks

Trunks:huh... Those are a lot bigger then the anime showed them to be

Freeza soldier 2 fires at trunks who bitch slaps it away

Freeza soldier 2:that ain't righuah

Trunks appeared in front of freeza soldier 2 before he could finish his sentence and punches him in the jaw sending him flying into freeza's ship

Trunks:consider this a warning either leave now or die

Freeza:a ultimatum I love ultimatums here's mine either die to him or die to me

Reborn As Future Trunks Where stories live. Discover now