'Don't worry, the bad guys aren't after me, specifically. Not yet, at least.'

'I know you're safer if I don't know the truth but I hate not being able to help you.'

'You're already helping me with your company. Your friendship. Besides, if you got involved, things wouldn't be normal for you. You'd be trading one hectic existence for another.'

'If it meant helping you have your normal life, I'd do it. I have forever to get back to that. You're mortal and you want to stay mortal. And untriggered.'

'That's the plan. I don't know how long it will last. What if I have to kill someone in self defense?'

'Then you'll have been doing it to protect yourself. You fight to survive. No matter what. How are you going to enjoy your normal life if you don't live, first? Things can still be normal if you trigger your curse. Once a month you'll have to turn, but it's manageable, from my understanding. Some wolves roam free and it helps them. You don't have to chain yourself up.'

'Chain myself up? Why the hell would I do that?'

'That's what I've known when it comes to wolves. They chain themselves up so they don't lose control when they turn.'

'The wolves in the Bayou aren't like that. They were cursed to spend the full moon as humans, the rest of the month as wolves. They roam free always, even after the curse was removed.'

'That sounds a lot more pleasant. There's clearly a lot I need to learn about wolves. And you still need to teach me about music. I've always wanted to learn violin. Never really got to sit down and do it, though.'

'I actually have my violin with me. I can play you a song, send you the video. Or I could call you, and perform it live. Not right now, though, Elijah's asleep. But tomorrow?'

'I'd like that. I look forward to it. I should probably let you sleep, too.'

'I'm not tired. But if you are, then I'll try to fall asleep.'

'I'm not tired, either. Should we play the questions game again?'

'Alright. You ask first.'

'If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?'

She thought about it for a moment, then typed, 'Probably France. I know how to speak French and Spanish but I don't really get to use it. The most I can do is understand what spells a witch is casting, not that that'll do me much good if I'm the one getting cursed. Like, oh no, they're breaking my bones... and then... I'm watching my bones break... feeling them break... and can't really do anything about it?? But at least I know what they're doing to me?'

He sent a laughing emoji. 'Maybe you could use the spell on another person.'

'Oh, yes, certainly, I'll wave my hands and stuff will definitely happen.'

'Go on, try it. What's the bone breaking spell?'

'Am I suppose to try and break your bones over the phone?'

'If you're a good witch, you'll manage it.'

'What part of 'I'm an untriggered werewolf' did you not get?'

'Sure you're your dad's kid? Maybe you're actually a witch.'

'Both of my parents were werewolves. I have blood and genetic tests proving I'm their kid.'

'And what prompted that investigation?'

'I was curious about doing a Punnett Square to match blood types between them, myself, and my siblings. Plus, it's good to know your blood type. If I actually have really rare blood, I would need to know that.'

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