"Alright," Vic said, nodding, "Here's the board." Within a matter of seconds, Carina was loaded up on the gurney.

"Ok, I'm going to start her on some fluids and get some Tylenol in her," Vic said, pulling out an IV kit as Andy got out the oxygen, putting the canula into Carina's nose as Maya stood by her head, just running her fingers through Caina's hair.

"You're going to be ok," Maya said quietly as her friends worked, "You have to be ok. Please be ok."

"We're ready to go," Andy said, "We've got her, ok?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "Let's go."

They made their way down the stairs and out to the aid car, Maya holding tightly to Carina's hand as they headed to the aid car. They loaded her up before Andy went up to the front, turning on the sirens as they headed toward Grey Sloan, Vic grabbing a cooling blanket and putting it over Carina's burning body.

Just as they pulled up to Grey Sloan, Carina moaned a little.

"Carina?" Maya said, getting closer to her, "Hey, can you open your eyes?"

"Feel sick," Carina said about two seconds before she turned her head and threw up.

"Ok," Vic said, grabbing some paper towels to clean up the mess, "It's ok."

"Vic?" Carina said, clearly confused, "What...?" Just then, the aid car doors opened.

"Maya?" Bailey said, "What? Carina?"

"She's got a high fever, 104.3" Vic said as she jumped out to help get Carina out, "She was unconscious for an unknown amount of time. Tachycardic and hypotensive. O2 was 89 on room air but is up to 98 on 2 L O2. She vomited once about a minute ago right after she woke up."

"Ok," Bailey said, "Let's get her inside."

"You need to page Dr. Cho," Maya said as she followed them in, "Carina was having some lower blood counts last week from her treatments."

"Already done," Dr. Bailey said as they got Carina into a room, "Carina, are you having any pain or anything?"

"I need to pee," Carina said, shifting uncomfortably, "Really bad."

A nurse quickly grabbed a bedpan as Bailey continued assessing her.

"It hurts," Carina winced as Bailey shone the light in her eyes.

"Your eyes?" Bailey said, confused.

"No," Carina said, "When I pee. It hurts."

"Ok," Dr. Bailey nodded, "Ok. We will get that taken care of. Is anything else hurting?"

"I don't know," Carina said, shivering.

Just then, Dr. Cho walked into the room.

"Hey," she said, scrubbing her hands and pulling on gloves, "What's going on?"

"She's got a fever, pain with urination, hypotension, tachycardia," Bailey said, "And Maya mentioned she had low blood counts?"

"Yes," Dr. Cho said, "I was going to draw more labs today, but she was close to needing Neupogen last week. I just wanted to see if she would start trending up on her own after her two-day break from radiation over the weekend."

"Ok," Dr. Bailey nodded as they continued to work on Carina.

Carina was given some pain meds to help with her pain before being scheduled for a CT scan. However, because of her low neutrophils, Carina was put into isolation, meaning no one was allowed in her room without a gown, gloves, and mask. Maya was just sitting next to Carina, holding her hand as the Italian was in a drug-induced sleep.

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