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"So what happened is that I got kidnapped by my childhood friends-" takemichi said getting cut off "WHAT!? " everyone expect for chifuyu screamed

"Please don't make a bit deal of it" takemichi said not wanting any trouble

"How do you want us to not make a big deal when you literally got kidnapped!? " mitsuya said trying to keep his cool but he clearly failed.

"Well I got out but I had to do something-" takemichi said getting embarrassed

"What was it!? " draken said.

"Did they touch you!? " baji screamed.

"Did they hit you!? " chifuyu asked

"If  they did just tell me I will murder all of them! " Mikey said.

"They didn't do anything bad don't worry ,I just had to wear a maid dress-" takemichi said really embarrassed.

The takemichi simps just couldn't help but to imagine takemichi in a maid dress.

"I wanna see takemichi in a maid dress too" Mikey whined

Cliff hanger

Sorry for the short chapter 😅

To be continued

takemichi x Mikey Where stories live. Discover now