Takemichi X Mikey

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English is not my first language so sorry for my grammar mistakes and it's my first fanfiction

Me and Mikey were friends from our childhood but as we grew up together I noticed that he started to act weird. He didn't let me hang out with chifuyu kun or draken kun alone. At first I thought that he just didn't like that we hang out and let him alone. But it started to get weirder he started to take my clothes and smell them

Mitsuya: are you still not going to confess to him your love

Mikey: not now, I'm not ready yet

Draken: go and tell him before someone confess to him first and take him

Mikey: OK but not now

He leaves and let mitsuya and draken alone.

Mitsuya: there is only one way for him to confess

Draken: I know what you mean

They called Emma and told her that they are coming to her place

At Emma place

Draken: Emma we need you for a thing

Emma what is it

Mitsuya: you need to make Mikey jalous so he can confess to takemichi

Emma: OK, but what should I do to make him jealous

Draken: we'll tell you later but for now just do as we say

Should I upload part 2

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