an unexpected letter pt.2

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Joey had invited some youtubers to a party but things take a turn for the worse with shane had been poisoned and now Joey and the other youtubers have to find the vials to save him
Author POV
Everyone was screaming because when she lifted the lid there was a severed head

Glozell: oh my Goodness what us going on this is crazy

Y/n: i feel like I'm going to puke

Matt: right there and then it's like everything went mute for me

"Wait there's something in his mouth" oli says while pulling it out and glozell is saying "NO".

TIM: I wasn't too bother by that you know at first I thought it was a themed cake

Everyone is saying oh no and gagging "YOU'RE NOT GONNA CALL THE POLICE FOR THIS" lele yells

Y/n: I sit in pure shock and horror AGAIN I grabbed the closes hand to me and Goshdammit it's the butler or head if staff I think his name is Arthur

I tried to let go of his hand but he has a grip on me so I leave it be for now and he squeezes my hand lighty I then hear oli talking "something is not ok with this room I like in a perfect order but certain things want to wonder around the table instead of finding a perfect fit can you figure it out" he stops and points a a symbol "this is what we gotta look for this symbol" he finishes "that symbol means something" Justin said I try to let go of his hand again but he still doesn't let go "I have to help my friends" I wisper to him and he let's go I start looking around and people are mumbling to themselves "c'mon guys Shane is like dying" oli shouts I look over to see Arthur with him

Y/n: ok I trust everybody except that damn maid and butler they give me the creeps even if Arthur is "helping" it must be a cover up or something

Oli: Shane's like coughing up blood I'm really concerned about him and everyone except me,joey,and y/n are eating their food and not really bothered about what's happening but this guy is dying

"I'm too stupid for this" lele whines "no your not lele" I say back to her

matt: I'm walking towards the window while y/n is following me like a puppy cute anyway and we see this weird uh glass holder with the same symbol on the top left of it and there's only one glass on top of it

"Wait what was the symbol" I ask while matt picked it up to display it "was it this?" Matt asked "oh yes it is yes it is" Ava said

Oli: and then it was a mad scramble everyone's flying around trying all different glasses putting the wrong glass. And then eventually we found three right glasses and then we opened a box

"Never ea- OH NO JESUS I REBUKE YOU SATAN OH LORDY IT OPENED BY ITSELF" glozell exclaimed while everyone was ooing. Then Me,Ava,and Sierra looked over the box seeing what's inside "what's in there" Joey ask "OH MY GOD IT'S A BOX IN A BOX" I yell out and some of them laugh a little " there are three keys to unlock li- this is to long o don't wanna read it" Sierra says then ava starts reading it "in the first floor in the study one key is as high as a mountain top. The second key is hidden is under the 3 circles of hell. In the bouye is the third key of life no one can return it without the help of a friend"

Authors POV
"Uh letters and numbers are in books" tim shouts to his group

Tim: so my team is in charge of looking for the key in the library I know none of these girls read any books in years except y/n who at least seemed to know how to flipping reading and was looking around like a maniac. A smart beautiful maniac that is

*Meanwhile with oli,matt,and lele*
They we're looking around and oli spots something and points it out to them and explain about the puzzle as best as possible

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