The YOU Quiz - What's your personality type?

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  • Dedicado a DOLLY Magazine! Where this quiz came from!

The YOU Quiz. What's your personality type? Take this quiz to find out!

This quiz is set up the same as the The Guy Quiz, another one of my many quizzes! I enjoyed it, and I thought it was interesting to learn about my personality for a change, instead of my relationships! So I hope you like it too! Xxx quizchick

Again, this quiz is from DOLLY magazine. Check it out!

You will need: Paper, pen/pencil.

Choose a, b or c.

1. What were your New Year's resolutions for 2011 mostly about?

a. Achieving specific goals like good marks at school or excelling at sport.

b. Improving relationships or helping people in your life.

c. Overcoming things you've been scared of or anxious about.

d. Having exciting new experiences or meeting new people.

e. Putting an idea into reality or developing artistic skills.

2. You get a last-minute invitation to go wakeboarding with your friend's family that day. What is your reaction.

a. You feel flustered because you had your day planned and weren't expecting it.

b. You're stocked that your friend has chosen you to come along.

c. Your're really concerned that it could be dangerous.

d. You get a rush thinking about doing such a thrill-seeking activity.

e. You're open to a new experience.

3. You're studying the night before a test when your friend calls and says she really needs to talk. You:

a. Tell her you're sorry but you really need to get back to work or there's no way you'll ever cover everything before tomorrow.

b. Talk to her for hours listening and giving advice, even if it means you dont get to study.

c. Dont know what to do - you feel anxious if you dont study but guilty if you dont help your friend.

d. Talk to her for a while but tell her you have to go when you get bored.

e. Tell yourself you'll get your study done by staying up all night - although this may not actually happen.

4. Do you tend to leave assignments until the last minute?

a. No, you make an action plan to get it done on time and stick to it.

b. Sometimes, because you struggle to say no to family or friends when you really should be working.

c. No, you usually get things done early otherwise you get anxious about them.

d. Yes, because you get caught up with thing's you'd rather be doing.

e. Yes, because you're unrealistic about how much time you need to get them done.

5. How would you spend a day when you have nothing planned?

a. You'd plan out your day from having a shower in the morning to painting your nails at night and stick close to the schedule.

b. See what your family and friends are doing and go with the flow.

c. Enjoy the chance to get organised and sort out some things that have been bothering you.

d. Plan something fun and exciting with friends.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 07, 2011 ⏰

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The YOU Quiz - What's your personality type?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora