"Again," lips curl into a goofy smile, triggering mine to expand.

"I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I love you too, my love." Happiness drowns all sorrows at the sound of his following snicker. Chaste kissing the side of my face, he tugs me hard with a strangled groan, making me fall right on top of him.

"Don't do that, Aiden!" I scold immediately, worried about his wounds causing him pain or worsening, slowly and carefully sliding down so I'm laying on my side, tucked into his bare and scarred one. It reminds me of when we're spooning at home and he's too lazy to turn sideways. Or too invested into sniffing my hair and groping my butt and boobs to the point of hand imprints through my clothes. I like both the same.

Correction, love; the cuddles. And the groping.

No surprise when his IV injected palm, grasps the flesh of my behind viciously in true Aiden fashion.

Chuckles turn into a passionate kiss of longing. It's unlike any other kiss we've shared. Deep with feathery strokes yet careful, apprehensive of the dangerous reality we're in. As if to not provoke what we just got back.

I part from him, a sudden wave of anger mixed with fear makes me discern that I just got him back. That Aiden is here. Talking and kissing and touching me. Alive. 

"Please don't do something like that again." I whisper and open my eyelids, only to find him already gazing down at me. No mention of what I'm talking about is needed, my wretched whisper and grief-stricken expression apprise enough.

Aiden's striking emeralds lose all playfulness, fingers brush brown strands behind my ears.

"Don't do something like what, protect you?" He challenges, lids screwed shut as he shakes his head dismissively. "I will protect you, Ry. For as long as I'm able to. Don't ask me of something like that when we both know fucking well that you'd do the same for me." He finalizes in a hard voice, eyes penetrating mine, "this isn't one sided, baby. In any way. Something bad is about to happen to you, I prevent it no matter the cost. When I saw the laser sight targeting you," Cutting himself off, his glare digs through the white wall furiously. "Fuck, la mia vita è balenta davanti ai miei occhi, amore mio."

( my life flashed before my eyes, my love. )

"You're right." I nod in agreement, realizing the truth his affirmation holds. "I'd do the same a thousand times over if it meant you'd be alright. But seeing you lay in this bed, with a fifty percent chance of survival, broke me Aiden, I've never felt as empty as I did the past month." I explain as simply as I can with quivers slicing my voice.

His rough, calloused thumb wipes under my moist eyes, caressing a track down my chin where he clasps it between his long fingers and tender hold to pull me closer. "I'm so incredibly sorry you had to be without me for so long. I'd go fucking berserk had you been in my place, princess." Aiden plants an apologising kiss to my lips. "I promise to never leave you again, like I promised to never leave you alone. And even if I do, I'll always come back to you."

"Yeah?" I smile satisfied at hearing him say that. He's never broken a promise. It's like a vow that I get to keep him with me forever.

"Yeah," Aiden confirms, bobbing his head. "We still got lots of things to do together baby. I haven't had the chance to marry you yet, see you in a white dress as you become mine for all entirety." He pecks the corner of my lips, thumb tracing circles on my cheek. The fire on my face heightens.

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