Chapter 18 - Snowy Parks

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Staring out of his window, Francis Bonnefoy watched the sun rise, bit by bit. He felt as if everything was unreal, as if this was all a dream. If this was nothing but a dream, he prayed to never wake up. As he laid on his comfortable mattress, with a warm, fluffy blanket over him, he glanced at the sketchbook on his bedside table. Picking it up, along with a pencil, Francis began to sketch something out, he wasn't sure what, but it was something.

As he sketched, his drawing became recognisable as some kind of landscape, a field, full of gorgeous flowers and illuminated pathways which twisted around the fields as if having a free will of its own.

It had been less that ten minutes before the tired artist heard his phone buzz quietly beside him. Reading his notifications, he saw a message from Feliciano to a group chat. This chat included Feliciano, Ludwig, Antonio, Alfred, Gilbert, Romano, Heracles, Basch, Kiku, and Arthur. It was an interesting chat, to say the least.

"Does anyone want to hang out today?"

You know, maybe I could use some time with my friends. It might help me clear my head for a bit.

"I can!" Wrote back Francis, deciding to go out with his friends.

The others who responded saying they were available were Ludwig, who responded to Feliciano nearly immediately, Kiku, Antonio, Gilbert, Arthur, Romano, and Alfred.

"Alright! What should we do?" Feliciano asked.

"Well, we could all meet up at the park." Suggested Antonio, despite the fact that it was -15 degrees Celsius outside.

"Are you crazy! It's freezing out there!" Argued Kiku, not wanting to catch a cold.

"Oh come on! Don't be such a total girl!" Pressured Alfred. Francis laughed; he knew that it would end up being the American who would be the "total girl" because Alfred was not the best at handling negative temperatures.

"It is snowing, but I personally think that walking through the park in the snow would be rather nice." Commented Arthur. Francis agreed, replying, "Yeah, I think that would be nice."

"Okay! So we're all going to meet at the park!" Feliciano declared.

"When?" Ludwig asked.

"Um, how about whenever!"

"Ok, I'll leave now." Was Ludwig seriously about to walk to the park in the snow at 7am in the morning? That seemed insane.

Francis pulled himself away from the desirable warmth of his bed, and dragged himself into his bathroom, running a shower. While the shower ran, and he smeared himself in soap, letting in run down him as he stood under the lukewarm stream of water. His mind began to wonder, exploring various corners of his mind.

Is Arthur okay? What's going to happen at the park? Is Arthur just going to pretend to hate me?

Upon this thought, Francis forced himself back into reality.

No, just focus! Worry about that later!

The now clean man stepped out of his shower and dried himself off with a towel. Even though Francis was dumb, he did think ahead sometimes, before he showered, he would always leave out clothes for himself to put on after his shower. Now dry, he pulled on a pair of underwear, and then a pair of warm, mahogany red trousers. Putting a peanut brown leather belt, he buttoned up a nice, smart yet casual collared shirt of a stone blue. Over his top, he wore a spruce blue jumper.

After brushing his teeth and drying his hair, he tied his thick, silky blonde hair up into an undone bun, and splashed his face with cold water before drying it off and exiting his bathroom.

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