Chapter 13 - That's Gotta Hurt

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"Fine! I'm going! You can stay here in the snow if you want to!"



"Let go of me!"




"Frenchie! You're pissing me off!"


"Oh my days! You are so annoying!"


"Stop saying 'bon' or 'non' to everything I say!"


"Bloody hell, let go of me, you snail slurper!


"We're going to miss our meeting if you don't let go of me!"


"You idiot!"


"W-what are you doing!? Unhand me!"


"Ow! That hurts!"


"Arthur...? Francis...?"

A disgusted Japanese accent spoke from behind the two men. Francis had pushed Arthur up against a wall and began giving him a hickey on his neck. Now, Kiku had witnessed them. They were the only three in the street. No one else was outside due to the heavy snowfall.

"Oh! Kiku, it's nothing to worry about, we were just saying hello!" Exclaimed Arthur, trying his best to push Francis off of him, but to no success.

"That does not look like any greeting that I have ever seen before." Kiku remarked, concerned.

"It's an older European greeting! Uh... from ancient times!" Francis lied, eager for Kiku to just go away already so that he could resume his "greeting" to Arthur.

Kiku became slightly flustered at the concept of giving people hickeys to greet them, and stammered, "Europeans are so confusing! You are all far too friendly with each other!" Before running away from the two Europeans.

"Bonnefoy, we're going to be late, stop!"


"I don't want to be late! Ludwig will be mad!"

"So? What will he do?"


"Answer me, what will he do?"

"He'll- I don't know! Probably whip us or strip us and put us out in the freezing cold!"

"That will be a problem for future us to worry about."

"What- no- Bonnefoy!"


"Stop, we need to go to this meeting!"

"I don't give a shit about the meeting."

"Francis... please..."

Even though he wanted to continue marking his boyfriend, he could hear something genuine in Arthur's voice. He stopped and let go of Arthur, who immediately continued his journey to the meeting, that was starting in what was now half an hour. For the rest of the walk, Francis tagged along behind Arthur in total silence other than the occasional sigh until they reached the building where the meeting was being held.

Francis followed Arthur into the building, up the stairs, (for some reason, Arthur didn't just use the lift) and sat in a seat outside of the waiting room, away from all of the others, who were speaking amongst their own groups. Francis was called out to by a group of Feliciano, Romano, Heracles, but no Antonio, which was not surprising seeming as the Spaniard was certainly not known for being early, or even on time, for that matter.

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