(y/n) knew what she was doing and she enjoyed teasing Billy. "Thanks for the cream Billy," She grins at him, putting the tube down after applying some on her arms before walking away and Billy watches her leave.

That cheeky minx.


"This cafe is so cute!" (y/n) gasps as Billy takes her inside, holding her hand as they walked from their home to the cafe. It was a quaint and quiet cafe, mainly families and elderly couples eating here. There was a set of nervousness that hit Billy, looking around the familiar place he used to visit on a regular basis when he was younger. It looks different with its upgrades but it still felt the same.

"Billy Hargrove, kid is that you!?" he froze as he looks over at an elderly man he knew all his childhood, a smile bracing his face as the man walked over to give him a big hug. "It's been years son!" he sets Billy down who coughs silently from being crushed. "I thought I wouldn't see your mug face around here again!"

"Hey, Mr Wilson." Billy chuckles nervously.

"Let me take a look at you. I knew you would be a heartbreaker when you grow up, look at you. You look like your mother!" the man beams seeing the kid he practically looked after grow up to a respectable young man, from what he thought.

"It's great to see you again."

"How are you? The last time you visited... it wasn't pretty... are you ok?" Billy sighs sadly, knowing that the last time he saw this kind man was when he ran away from home the day his mother left. He had run to the cafe to stay with Mr Wilson, telling him everything that happened. Neil found him and dragged him away from the cafe, threatening him to never visit again.

"Yeah, everything is perfect now." Billy looks over at (y/n) who stood shyly next to him and takes hold of her hand in his, smiling at her and Mr Wilson gasps. "How are you and the missus-"

"-growing old, the usual but forget about us. Who's this? You found someone Billy!?" The man takes (y/n)'s hand in his and shakes it. "Son she's lovely. How are you dear? I hope the kid hasn't been a pain in the ass like he used to be as a kid." (y/n) chuckles lightly, shaking her head.

"No, he's been lovely." Billy pulls her close, holding her shoulders. "Billy's showing me around California for our date."

"Date!? You grew up so quick kid! It was just yesterday when you threw a rock through our window and your mother made you do our dishes as an apology."

"That was by accident!"

"Sure it was son." Mr Wilson takes the two kids and gives them the best spot in the cafe. "Everything you order is on the house."

"There's no need Mr Wilson-"

"-let an old friend care for you again Billy. It's been so long since we last saw you this happy." Billy smiles in appreciation, nodding. He felt at home again.

"He's lovely." (y/n) chuckles, gaining her date's attention as he grins at her.

"He's the closest father figure I had..." she holds Billy's hand from across the table, squeezing it before he lifts their hands up to kiss her palm.

"I'm glad we're home Billy."

The couple chats happily, placing an order for their breakfast which soon arrives almost straight away. (y/n) ordered pancakes and an ice tea while Billy ordered California breakfast stacks. She asked him what the day's plan was but he was being very secretive.

"You'll see darling." He grins, (y/n) huffing in defeat.

"The pancakes are really nice-oi!" Billy steals a piece to eat, his date clearly not amused with her food being taken but he found it adorable. "Not my pancakes!"

"You're right, they're good," he leans over to wipe his thumb against the corner of (y/n)'s lip, tasting the syrup on his finger as his eyes darken. "but not as delicious as you darling."

"Billy!" (y/n) gasps, looking around to see if anyone witnessed what happened.

"You might want to finish up quick before I eat your pancakes." Billy muses and (y/n) whips around to look at him.

"Not my pancakes!" he chuckles lightly, glad to see that she was eating properly. (y/n) was still not eating a lot but a bit more than she did before and it was a relief.

"One more thing before you two leave." Mr Wilson approaches the couple as they finish up and are ready to leave for their date, passing (y/n) a box. "Something to snack on while you two have fun."

"Chocolate-covered pretzels!" (y/n) gasps and shows Billy. "Thank you!"

"No worries dear. Now you two scram! Go on that date of yours!" Mr Wilson kindly shoos the two kids away, grinning as he watched them leave.

"So what's next?" (y/n) asks.

"Next is the morning dock markets which is actually just around the corner." (y/n) was in awe as she comes across the various stalls that sold a variety of things from trinkets, jewellery, clothing, fabric and food. "They open every week usually."

"This is so cool!" she squeals as she runs over to look at a stall of carved wooden sculptures and Billy chuckles, following her closely behind. He let her run from stall to stall to take in the things being sold until she stops at a jewellery stall. "These are beautiful." she glances over the jewellery that sparkled and Billy stands next to her with an arm around her waist. (y/n) moved onto the next stall that sold bags, Billy still not moving from the jewellery stall has his attention was on a specific ring that glinted in the sun.

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