𝖎𝖛. Little Sister

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Akane looks at her teacher with a surprised expression. "Keep him safe?"

"Why? You don't think you can do it?"

"Of course I can," Akane scoffs. "But I think he needs more protection from himself, Sukuna is inside him."

He just hums thoughtfully in response, patting the space next to him. Akane moves to sit next to him. "Speaking of Sukuna," Gojo starts. "How have you been since you found out?"

Akane frowns. "Well I've been asleep for three days... but I still had nightmares about him."

A sad look crosses Gojo's face as he furrows his eyebrows. "Honestly, Gojo, I don't know what- I'm so confused. He said all these things that didn't make sense at all. He recognised me as an Amano instantly, he said I looked like Mito-sama-, I thought she had black hair like the rest of the Amano's, but it looks like she too had black and white hair? Then... he said that the string, the curse- it's his blood? He said that somehow my ancestors managed to store his blood and turn it into the curse. It makes me think that my family knew from the start it was going to be Sukuna, but still didn't tell me! Moreover, he destroyed the Mikazuki Katana! That was my only shot at killing him and he just snapped it like some twig-"

She's interrupted by Gojo's hushes, his hand squeezing her arm comfortingly. "Akane." his voice is stern. "You know that I won't let that happen to you, right?"

Akane furrows her brows, "What do you mean, Gojo?"

"You're like my little sister, remember? Imouto."

Akane vividly remembers her first day in jujutsu high at that moment:

"Principal Yaga will be taking your interview now. Better not fail it!"

Akane looked at the blindfolded man confusedly. "What will happen if I fail?"

Gojo hummed thoughtfully. "Hmm, let's see... you'll lose our school's protection and the higher-ups will surely kill you, Akane-chan!"

She frowned at the enthusiasm Gojo showed, ignoring the chill that entered her mind when she realized that her life will depend on this interview... literally.

Akane narrowed her eyes at Gojo. "Do you have to add that ridiculous honorific? No one's ever used that on me before."

Gojo grinned widely, revealing his teeth and Akane thinks it matches his hair. "Why, of course! We have the same hair colour, don't we? That makes you my little sister."

He pointed at his snow-white hair and Akane's eyes the left side of her hair resting on her shoulder. Sure enough, it's the same shade as Gojo's hair. "I'm no one's little sister," Akane mumbles, averting her eyes from his godforsaken cocky grin.

Akane was sure that he was only just kidding back then, he never used the honorific after that. She looks at him bewildered, she's never been considered as family by anyone before, not even her own family.

She looks away abruptly, feeling her eyes water. "I'm no one's little sister." She says although both of them know that this time, she is the one who's joking.

Akane silently wonders why he sees her as his sister- she doesn't think there are any similarities between them other than her hair and their unmatched cursed energies.

She doesn't know that Gojo is protective of her because he doesn't want to fail her. He doesn't want to fail her like he failed his best friend who turned his back to the humans he vowed to protect and later turned his back to Gojo. He doesn't want to fail Akane like he failed someone who he knew his heart would end up with- but she, like Geto, just upped and left without warning.

If he could have been honest with Miyu, he knows he could have stopped her from leaving. But he didn't, all because he was embarrassed about his feelings. Now she's missing, with a death warrant slapped on her back. He was too late.

He would never allow himself to fail Amano Miyu's cousin who is now seated next to him. Never. That won't happen even over his dead body.

A/N: IM BACK omg I honestly don't know what took me so long to update, but whatever, this year has been so hectic. Anddd I know this chapter's a little short, and that's because I mainly wanted to focus on gojo's and akane's relationship this chapter, mainly because he's obviously a big part of her life! I think I delivered that well this chapter.

And if you're confused, Amano Miyu is another OC of mine! She's Akane's favourite uncle's daughter who was Geto and Gojo's classmate back when they were students in Jujutsu High!

I hope yoy enjoyed this! Please let me know your thoughts 💓

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