𝖎𝖎𝖎. Unravel the Night

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unravel the night

Akane was five years old.

Dressed in an elegant red kimono with purple flowers, she follows one of the branch members of her clan, a woman close to fifty. Her small feet are soundless on the tatami mats, taking her to the Main Hall where she has been summoned by her mother.

The branch member bows down graciously at the little girl before sliding open the door for her, leading her to the center of the room. There are three adults waiting for her there, and she feels jittery being at the end of their line of sights. In front of Akane is Amano Akito, the Clan Head, sitting on the biggest chair in the room like a throne. To Akito's left is Zenba Hayato- Akito's husband and Akane's father. Hayato comes from one of the many minor jujutsu clans, Akane can't say she knows her father much, except that he loathes her relentlessly.

To Akito's right is her brother, Amano Eiji. Although he sits with an enigmatic presence that speaks volumes about his reputation as the (only) respected member in the Amano clan, his soft brown eyes are tired and sullen- Akane can even see the bags under his eyes. It is well known in the jujutsu world that the Amano's manifest little to no Cursed Energy because of their sacrifice years ago, and Eiji possesses none. He would have been the Clan Head instead of Akito, otherwise.

Akane feels a soft pang hit her chest when she realises her uncle's exhaustion. After all, he's her favourite in the Amano clan. At least he treated her like a human being rather than a tool.

"Akane, I trust you understand why you have been summoned." Akito says in a honey-laced voice that can fool anybody.

Akane slowly nods her head, her long brown hair dancing along. "Because I have inherited Mito-sama's Cursed Technique."

There is a wicked grin on Akito's face that sends shivers down Akane's spine. "That's right, my daughter. Finally, you have taken the first step towards the fulfillment of your duty!"

Zenba Hayato scoffs at this, sending Akane a look of disgust before turning to his wife. "I told you, she's a curse! You claim she will restore your clan, but mark my words- she'll destroy the Amano's!" He stands up, seething at the little girl as though she would transform into a monster. "Listen to me, Akito, she's an abomination. Let's kill her before-"

"Enough!" Akito snaps, her fiery gaze narrowing at Hayato. "Know your place. Don't forget why you married me. Your clan is on the verge of extinction, just like mine. We wanted an heir with combined Cursed Energies of both our bloodlines and that's exactly what Akane is."

She turns to look at her daughter who wears an unreadable expression. Akito's inability to read her five-year-old's mind has always irked her. "Your opinion means nothing Hayato. You're free to leave the clan if you want, you've already given me more than what I predicted."

Hayato scoffs. "That is not my daughter, she's a goddamn curse."

"Hayato," A new voice enters, and all eyes in the room. "Like my sister said, you are free to leave if you cannot shut your mouth."

Hayato clenches his fists, eyes burning with anger. "Why, you-"

"Akane," Akito interrupts her husband, wearing a sly smirk. "Now that you can use Mind Warping, you are ready for the transfer. The ceremony will take place tomorrow at dusk, fifty percent of all our Cursed Energies will be yours!"

Akane feels her father's burning gaze on her, and for a moment believes he'll tear a hole through her head. She never understood why her own father hated her so much. "Like hell I'll give her-"

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