Chapter 22

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Nandini's pov

I stirred in my sleep when I felt the sun on my face making me smile a little, I loved the feeling of the sun on my face but I ahed waking up early. I tried hiding my face but being unsuccessful I opened my eyes and looked around my surrounding

Seeing im in our room, I looked to my left and saw manik's face beside my shoulder, his arm around my waist, his hair was all over his forehead making me smile

I caressed his hair and he moved closer to me putting his face in my neck, I could feel his hot breaths on my neck making my breathing rapid. It was then I realized his t shirt that I was wearing had ridden up leaving his hand right under my boob making me blush a little

'come on nandini its not like he hasn't touched you before, do I need to remind you that you two made love often, more often then you probably should have', my heart taunted me

'Dont tell her how many times she can have sex' my mind argued

'Its calling making love you idiot' my heart yelled

'Will you both shut up' I scolded myself

He looks so cute and handsome when he sleeps, he is so exhausted, I don't even know how he managed without me, he freaks out over little things and to know that I was completely gone, I feel terrible for leaving, maybe I should have just stayed and let him be mad at least he would be infront of my eyes

Many thoughts crossed my mind, the fact that he never changed his wallpaper or that his wedding ring never came off or the fact that nothing in our room was touched.

I moved manik's arm and slipped out of his hold even tho it was difficult because he is heavy as crap like holly. I showered, and put on a red suit, why becasue why not and Manik loves red

I heard the door knob wiggling so I quickly put on my suit, but then the door opened

"Why are you not in bed with me" I heard Manik

I looked back to see manik closed eyes making me smile, he walked to me slipped his arms around my waist, his chin on my shoulder

"Why did you get up" he asked in my neck

"I wanted to shower" I said fixing my suit

"I wanna sleep please come back to bed" he whispered kissing my shoulder

"Go lay down ill be out in a second okay" I said and he shook his head

"No come with me" he said, sighing I put on earrings and manik dragged me to the bed

"Sleep" he said lying down beside me holding my waist making me smiled

I laid there caressing his arm but he kept moving around, until finally he groaned

"What's wrong" I asked and he frowned

"I don't like you, I was so sleepy and you left the bed, now I can't sleep this is fucking torturous" he mumbled making me laugh

"Ill keep it in mind in the future okay" I said and he nodded

"You better because this is unacceptable" he said like a child making me chuckle

"You laughing is adding to this Nandini" and the way my name rolled off his tongue made my breath hitch

"I apologize, I won't do it anymore and I wont get our of bed okay" I said caressing his cheeks and he nodded like a baby

"Thank you" he mummbled holding me

"You know if you aren't gonna sleep more you should get up, and shower, dont you have meetings today" I asked and he nuzzled his face in my neck

"I do but I like being here, it gives me peace, its been awhile since I have felt like this" he mummbled

"Im not leaving you know" I argued but he bit my jaw making me laugh

"I dont care I'm staying" he said biting my jaw more

"Owwwww manik" I placed a hand on his cheek

"I know it doesn't hurt" he mummbled and ya he was right

"Whats going on in that brain" I asked seeing frowns on his forehead


"You arent good at lying manik"

"Nandini I lost you for 6 god damn months, my whole world came crashing down. There was always one thing I wondered in these 6 months' he said

"And what was that" I asked

"Were we not meant to be" the same exact words that I had always wondered

"I used to feel the same way but I guess we have our answer" I said caressing his cheek

"Answer" he questioned

"When I was little, the orphanage caretaker used to say if you let it go and it comes back to you, it was always meant to be yours, but if it doesnt come back it was never meant to be" I said and he opened his eyes looking at me

"We are meant to be" it was a question

"Manik and nandini are meant to be, you and I may be far but our hearts beat together" a smile tugged at his lips

"You are right" he said making me giggle

"Arent I always right" I asked making me roll his eyes

"Get up now and go shower" I said getting up making him groan

"You and I still have things to discuss' he said

"After everything gets resolved we can okay" he nodded

He hovered over me and all those feelings came rushing back, his lips were inches away from mine making me close my eyes, I felt his breath on my neck

"Not yet, but soon once everything is better" he mummbled in my ear making me open my eyes

I opened my eyes and saw mischief in his eyes making me glare at him, he got up and walked to the bathroom making me throw a pillow at the bathroom door as it closed

This man infuriates me so much, he knew what he was doing and he does it on purpose, but he is right, we have to deal with everything before we proceed anything further

"Nandini stop think and go get yourself some breakfast" he yelled from the bathroom

"Okay" I yelled back but grabbed his phone laying on my stomach after fixing the bed

"Baby what are you doing" I heard his voice, how long has it been sine I have been on his phone shit his phone

"I umm I umm nothing I was just nothing, umm lets get breakfast im hungry" I said and he walked to me from the closet wearing sweatpants

"Nandini when you know you cannot lie to me, why try" he asked kissing my head

"I did a bad thing" I said and his brows furrowed

"What did you do" he asked

"I downloaded 9 nope 21 games and and you have a whole ton of space so that's all well I also downloaded instagram and til Tok" I said and he laughed

"But why on my phone" he asked

"Becasue I couldn't find mine so yup, I dont think they costed money tho" I said and he chuckled

"I wouldn't care nandini, you know the amount of money I made, its fine im not angry at you" he said caressing my cheek

"Can I keep your phone then when you go for meetings, wait why are you not wearing a suit" I asked getting up

"You look so beautiful shona" he said pecking my nose

"Thank you" I mummbled blushing

"I missed seeing you blush" he whispered against my cheek then kissed my cheek

"Manik" I said and he chuckled

"Han baba okay, I do have a meeting but its virtually so I dont need a suit and yes you can keep the phone with you" he said smiling

"Virtually waitttt then I can stay with you" I asked and he nodded

"Yes you can but no noises" he warned and I nodded

Maybe it isn't meant to be!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora