The cullens step back after YN let out his roar that did not sound human YN goes in cloak and jumps on the tree the cullens are looking for him but he was to fast in the tree then Alice got a vision of YN using his wrist blade then he shot it out and kills Jasper

Alice: Jasper behind you

Jasper the dodged the blade that could have cut him in

Jasper: thanks Alice

Alice nodded and they waited for YN to attack Carlisle was hit by a net as it was starting to crush him but with all his strength he break out of the net

YN is stalking his prey he is slowly walking in the trees he ready his combi stick then jumped down behind and slabs him from his back and lifted him and throw him down a hill the cullens turn around as YN jumped back in the trees he throws down a bear trap then Esme leg got caught in the trap as she falls and yelled in pain Alice was going to help but she was hit by a Shuriken and hit in the chest and was pinned down on a tree

Jasper: ALICE

Jasper was going to help Alice but YN shot his two Plasma Cannons and Jasper was knocked down the hill joining Edward as Alice was stuck there she try to remove the Shuriken but it's hits everything she moves

Carlisle is helping Esme trying to get her leg out the bear trap

???: want some candy

Carlisle stop as he was distracted by a voice then he saw YN up on a tree then YN made a hand signal

Carlisle was confused then he look down as he was caught in a trap the netting wrapped around he was trying to break out but the more he moves the net is starting to crush him

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Carlisle was confused then he look down as he was caught in a trap the netting wrapped around he was trying to break out but the more he moves the net is starting to crush him

Emmett and Rosalie are only ones they look around in the trees for YN

Rosalie: where is he

Emmett: I don't know i can't see him

Rosalie then heard something coming from behind her as she turned around she impaled by the combi stick and pinned on a tree

Emmett: Rose

Emmett goes to help his wife but YN fired his Plasma Cannon and knocked Emmett to the ground YN jumped down from the trees and starts slowly walking to Emmett and Esme is watching him walking to Emmett she trying to get the trap off her leg as Carlisle is starting to break out of the net and Alice is pulling the Shuriken out of her chest as Edward and Jasper slowly walk up the hill as they are injured

YN walks to Emmett and grabs him by the throat and ready his wrist blade to cut his head off

Rosalie sees her husband is about to be killed she starts pulling the combi spear out of her chest it hurt but she had to save her mate she fully pulled the combi spear out of her chest as it began to heal she sees YN was about to kill about Emmett she quickly runs to YN as YN heard her behind him he quickly pulled out his Plasma Pistol but she knock it out his hands then she hit him as he was knocked in the air and his mask was knock off as he landed on the ground

The cullens are manged to get back on their feet Esme manged to get the trap off her leg Carlisle broke out of the net trap Alice fully gets the Shuriken out of her chest and Edward and Jasper got back up Rosalie help Emmett up

YN quickly gets up turn around the cullens sees that he's human but Rosalie sees this it's the face of her son she knows that her son because she saw the birthmark on the right side of his face

YN does a roll press a button on his wrist computer as the cullens hold their head in pain and fails down to the ground heading a very loud sound YN throws a smoke bomb and disappear

The cullens got back up as the sound stop

Carlisle: is everyone okay

Rosalie: no I was impaled by a spear all because of this idiot almost got us killed

Alice: and I was impaled by some throwing weapon

Jasper: Edward your a idiot why would you do that

Edward: he didn't say anything so I had to make him talk and I couldn't read his mind

Emmett: oh really you think you'll make someone talk with highly advanced technology and using energy-based weapons with some kind of cloaking device

Alice: we all could have died Edward all because you are an idiot

Esme: everyone stop we'll talk more about this back home

They all nodded as they began to leave but they sees Rosalie kneel down

Emmett: babe

Rosalie said nothing she looks what her son had left behind his mask his Plasma Pistol and his locket she gave that to him when he was baby as the cullens sees this

Alice: he left some of his equipment

Jasper: that does not look human design

Emmett: what should we do with them

Carlisle: we'll take them we can't allowed anyone get their hands on this technology

Carlisle is about to the grab mask but Rosalie stop him

Rosalie: no no one is touching it but me

Rosalie quickly grab the equipment

Edward: Rosalie what do you mean you're let anyone touching that equipment it's not even human design

Rosalie: because this belongs to my son

Rosalie walk away as the cullens are confused her son they'll know back at the house and they follow Rosalie

YN is on a tree healing his wounds he let out a roar of pain as the cullens heard it once YN finally healed his wounds he started going back to his ship then he realized he left some of his equipment he mask and his Plasma Pistol then he realized he's missing his locket he knows that he can't allow anyone get their hands on this technology since the world is not ready for that type of Technology

He opened his wrist computer and tracking his mask and he got the location without his mask he can't use his Plasma Cannons and his vision made but he ca still use his cloak so YN put on his cloak and goes to the location to get back his stolen technology

To be continue

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