Transformation central

Start from the beginning

The imps sat down on the chairs munching on popcorn while Hades and Facilier stood and watched.

Alona took a remote control to play the music and started. 

(Play song on top)

The imps widened their eyes as they stopped chewing to listen to Alona's voice. Even though Hades heard her voice yesterday her talent still impressed him. He turned to Facilier with a smug look. "Satisfied?"

Facilier narrowed his eyes and had a grin. "Yes."

Soon scary faces started surrounding Alona

Are you ready?
(Are you ready?)
Are you ready?

Transformation central!
(Transformation central!)
Reformation central!
(Reformation central!)
Transmogrification central!

Can you feel it?
You're changin', You're changin', You're changin', all right!
I hope you're satisfied

But if you ain't
Don't blame me!
You can blame my friends on the other side!
(You got what you wanted)
(But you lost what you had)

The imps hugged each other as they watched the scary faces and a bright light cover Alona's whole body. Hades wanted to run in there thinking the kid must be terrified but he held his ground while Facilier danced and laughed like a manic. As soon as it was over Hades rushed over and saw Alona was lying face down on the ground.

Facilier walked over with a proud grin on his face as he helped her up only for that grin to drop. Alona looked way younger than they thought she would.

"Ok seriously! How old is this kid?!" Hades turned red.

"Um, if I had to guess..." Facilier took a closer look at her. "Seven, maybe eight."

Hades flamed a little.

Facilier looked up at the ceiling. "Good thing there are no sprinklers in here."

Hades gathered up Alona in his arms. "Gotta get some food in this kid, she was only fed once a day."

"Don't know how I'm gonna be able to find anything in this place." Facilier admitted.

"Well gotta get usedv to it." Hades told him. "I don't know how long we're here and if I just showed up and if you just showed up wonder if more are coming too."

"Well this place sure does beat doing tricks to people on the streets for money." Facilier said. "I could get use to this place and all I gotta do is be a manager for one cute little girl." Facilier said patting Alona on the head.

Hades set Alona down. "Kid why don't you help our new guest here find a room."

"Ok." Alona grabbed Facilier's hand and showed him a room she thinks he'll like."

Hades stopped at the door outside of his room and with a snap of his fingers his name was now on it. Hades looked down the hall at the empty doors wondering if more of his fellow villains are gonna show up, how many, and when.

Dr. Facilier's Bedroom

 Facilier's Bedroom

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Dr. Facilier's Bathroom

 Facilier's Bathroom

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