Chapter 1

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3rd Person

Beeb Beeb Beeb Beeb Beeb


It was early in the morning in Kuoh.

An alarm clock beeps in an apartment in downtown Kuoh. In a room of the apartment lies a brown-haired boy, not older than 16 in his bed.

The boy, who is still half asleep, tries desperately to find his alarm clock in order to finally switch off this annoying beeping.

Beeb Be-click

When the beeping finally stops and the boy can finally relax again, a voice can be heard from the hallway in front of the room.

???: Peter, get up, otherwise you will be late for school.

The boy now known as Peter has to admit to himself whether he likes it or not he has to get up.

Peter: Mhm. Yawn

Peter opens his eyes only to see the world blurry.

Peter: Mhm. Where are my glasses?

Peter is looking for his glasses case on his bedside table with his hand. His hand goes all over his bedside table until he finally finds his glasses case in the corner of the bedside table.

He takes the case, opens it and takes out his glasses. He rubs his eyes again and puts on his glasses.

Then he gets up and walks to the door.

But before he can reach the door, he stumbles over a thick physics book on the floor that he hasn't seen and falls face first on the floor.


Peter: Argh

The boy would prefer to just lie there and let the day pass him by. But then his aunt would kill him.

Peter reluctantly pulls himself together, grabs some clothes from his closet, and walks out of his bedroom door and into the bathroom across the hall.

He locks the door behind him, puts his clothes in a corner, and when he gets up and sees himself in the mirror on the wall above the sink, he takes a moment... and then sighs.

Peter is unique in many ways. In science, in math, in history, in art, in helping people and in being empathetic.

He has had his exceptional talent at school since kindergarten. While he discovered his need to help people and his ability to be particularly empathetic through his aunt and uncle in their work at F.E.A.S.T. has learned.

Even if Peter is unique in all these things, at least if you ask him, his looks aren't one of them at all.

He has brown hair slicked back at the side, acorn eyes behind his glasses, and white clear skin. His body is absolutely normal. No muscles, no obesity, just a normal human body.

If you were to ask an outsider what Peter looks like, you would actually have to search a long time before you find someone who would say that Peter looks like absolute trash.

The problem is that Peter sees himself as absolute garbage.

Years of teasing, bullying and humiliation at school have given peter a completely distorted view of himself.

After Peter turns away from the mirror, he takes off his sleeping clothes and takes a shower.

After the shower, Peter leaves the bathroom in his school uniform and walks into the Kitchen.

When he arrives he finds his uncle and aunt already there.

His uncle sits at the table reading the newspaper while his aunt stands at the stove and cooks.

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