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"Cops? Out here?" I questioned "god are you kidding me" Jj said "what did we do" I asked "why are we getting pulled over" pope said "stash that" john b said "chill guys" Kiara said "I hate cops" Jj said in a tone "did you bring the gun?" John b questioned "no, okay, everyone told me to leave it back at the place"  Jj said "thank god" Lacey said "okay..." I mumbled "please, everything else in your bag" Kiara said "I am L am" Jj said.

Pope got down to help him but Jj just pushed him away "how much weed do you have on you" Kiara asked "he's walking up" pope said "'no shit" I said.

"Nothing better to do" John b said meanwhile Jj was hiding his bag in the Brocken chair.

"Sir" John b turned his head to a gun in his face.

Cocks gun

"Why don't I go ahead and see them pretty hands in the air" a man voice said we all looked at each other in shock "all y'all's hands up in the air now!" He snapped "you out of the car! Let's go!" He demanded John b did what he said meanwhile my mouth was slightly dropped "all of you out" he picked up his voice.

"Out of the car let's go hurry" he said "let them out what are you waiting on" he said pointing his gun at John b, John b slid the card door open and I got out first "there we go, pretty girl. Here we go! Get out the car, let's go! Hurry up" he shouted i he'd my hands up next to John b.

Jj then decided to scream in the man's face and the man got even angrier "lay down in the ditch" he screamed I got down my hands was shaking and I balanced them on my head trying to control my anxiety.

The man went in the car "it's a set up guys Ml I said "that old bat shanked us, FUCK god damn it" Jj said punching the ground my eyes was growing watery.

John b was meanwhile picking him self up "wait no no no no john b no" I whimpered I tried to grab his arm. Pope noticed and saw his jaw dropped "John b no don't be a hero man" pope said but John b shushed him.

We was all trembling mean while John b got in the back of that man's car.

I looked over at pope who was mortified and scared.

The man told us to stay down which we did he told us if we didn't we'd have our praise blown up all over this road.

I didn't care if that happened I was more worried for John b who was in the back of that physcos car.

We was all looking at the car.

Until we see a arm swing Jj quickly got up and start punching the man meanwhile John b had the gun Jj flew to the ground and Kiara then pushed him which the man did back and Jj got up and he fell I pushed him with my foot and then pulled the car door open three times hitting him with the dot in the head Lacey came over attempting to kick the man which Kiara then joined in with.

"I got the gold" pope shouted and with that he came over and kicked the man back fuing him into the car "you don't of a bitch" I said out of breath.

Jj pulled his mask down "I know this piece of shit, he's a basehead" Jj yelled "probably knows Rafe" Kiara said "he sells coke to my dad" Jj said.

His dad still does that I thought in my head.

"Hey listen I couldn't hurt any single one of y'all's" but before he could finish Jj his him in the face with the end of his gun "Jj" I said "chill man" pope and John b said I looked over to Lacey who looked stressed pulling on her hair.

Jj pulled something out of the man's pocket and threw the cloth at him "we got one last stop" Jj said and stomped off I followed him meanwhile the man was screaming.

Jj was driving and I sat on the back as John b was sat next to him we drove over the crackhead wasteland "I don't know about this man" pope said.

"Dude why are we at Barry's" John b said "this will only take a second" Jj said calmly.

Dogs barked.

John b got out "where are you going" John b asked "Yo soy justicia" Jj said running up the steps of the junky's home "did you glean anything from that?" Pope asked "you know somebody should probably-," I said "yeah I got it" John b said getting out of the van.

{John b & Jj}
John b walked into Barry's "yeah so what's your plan slick?" John b said "we'll as thou hath stealeth from us" Jj said in a Spanish accent "we shall stealeth from them" Jj ravelled on "that kinda got lost in translation" John b said shocked "eye for an eye, John b" Jj said.

"Yeah that's great Jj but what happens after you rob a drug dealer huh he knows who we are" John b said holding Jj shoulders  "I'm not scared of this guy" Jj said pushing John b off him and walking into the other room "what are you doing" John b yelled "getting even" Jj shouted back putting Barry's money into his bag.

John b held him "listen to me if you keep going down this road your going to end up just like your dad" John b said but Jj held him by the scruff of his shirt "you watch your mouth man" Jj said John b looked into Jj eyes knowing he had touched Jj "aren't you tiered of being messed with" Jj said  "that's not the point Jj" John b said "cause I am" Jj said.

Jj walked out the house "we are looking around 5grand and each" he said I raised an eyebrow "Jj no" I said he didn't say anything "I'm tired of getting walked over" Jj started I looked at John b who looked fed up "just put it back bro" pope said "he's going to find us" Lacey said "relax" John b said he tried to get the bag off Jj but Jj pushed him into the van "do you feel like a tough guy huh" John b said.

"He had a gun to your head bro" Jj said and took a breath "you going to let that slip" Jj said John b stared at him "he could've killed one of us" Jj said he let go of John b.

"Just put it back we are going to get gold which is worth way more then some drug dealers money" John b said "no" Jj argued and sat in the van.

After a minute nobody else got in the van "get in guys" Jj said I looked over at John b who shook his head. After that Jj got out quickly "what?" He said looking at all of us "we're sick of your shit" John b said getting close to Jj "oh my shit" Jj said pointing at himself then putting his hands on his hips again.

"Yeah your shit" John b said "yes, your pulling guns on people shit" Kiara said "you're acting like a manic" pope said "okay, pope i took the fall for you, man!, know how much I owe because of you" Jj said raising his voice "I'm going to pay you back and I didn't ask you to do that!" Pope said trying to stay calm "I just did, pay it back right here right now by myself" Jj said getting up in popes face.

Jj got out of popes face leaving pope stiff still in his spot "you know what that's exactly what I'm gonna do, go off by myself" he grabbed his bag and started to walk off away from all of us.

"Jj wait" I said he looked back at me his eyes looked heavy I could tell but he turned forward and kept walking but before I could follow him John b grabbed my arm "leave him be" John b said "just let him go" Lacey said.

Later that day I was home sitting in the living room with John b.

𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 - 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora