Dabi headcannons

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(Basically choose one choose the situation and just tell me to write shit)

Dabis loves to steal little crystals from parking

Dabi will curl up on his bed and not come out for days at a time when his body starts to hurt.

He tried sewing his scars once and ended up crying because he couldn't do it and he stabbed himself through his skin.

He loves to try do make up on Toga because he can't do it on himself.

He goes by all pronouns including neos but he doesn't like ones that are like kitty/kitty self (he likes Xe/xem ect)

He likes to shower more then bathe.

He likes hugs but not from people he doesn't know or like randomly.

+once someone new hugged him and he shoved them off of him and they fell backwards and onto concrete and hit their head.

He Has enough anxiety and enough confidence to start WW3 at the same time.

He loves worry dolls.

He collects trinkets of the league.

He has a fake gun he will scare the shit out of the league with occasionally.

Fuck names he calls you your shortened name.

+Yes even if your x.

++He will just never say your name.

He hates going on holiday with the league.

+ once they went to a little place over a bit of water on a boat and he goes motion sick from the movement and was sat in the bathroom the whole time refusing to leave.

He likes popcorn.

+And chocolate.

He definitely struggles to eat due to trauma.

+when he does it makes him feel like shit.

++ he can't eat too much either or he gets sick from overeating.

He's not gay but not straight but not bi or pan. He's in the middle of it all.

+he's stuck in the middle of being utterly disgusted by any romance, wanting cuddles from a partner, wanting to kiss someone until midnight and obsessing over someone who will never love him back.

Gender. Fuck that.

+he is literally the singular most annoying little fucker about this. If you ask him he will go
"Traumatised." "God" or like something so fucking random like "I actually identify as a broken kitchen appliance on fire."

He is a little shit when it comes to being ignored or the silent treatment.

+or he will genuinely get to sad he will just lock himself away and cry begging for the to please notice him again because it reminded him too much of his home.

He loves heels and can walk in them

He is a literal child mentally.

+ "dad! Look! Stuffed animals!" Is a quote from a shopping trip when he saw a teddy that looked like his bunny and it made him happy.

He jokes around but will literally murder for his family.

Clingy as shit.

Loves head pats and people braiding his hair.

If you don't want him around he will accept it but he will also be ultimately upset.

He is definitely like an older brother to Toga and A twin to Shigaraki but a younger sibling or child to the rest of the league.

He likes it when you give im him shiny things.

He collects Pokémon.

He once ran into the main room with Toga and did the entire team rocket intro and for the "MEOWTH THATS RIGHT" part he pulled out a new kitten from his pocket and held it up in the air.

+his clothes have the deepest pockets known to man. Like you could put the entire surface area of mars in there and ten more galaxies but he will never manage to carry your lipstick or lip balm without accidentally dropping / losing it.

He cries when he messes up.

+like sobbing choking screaming crying

He has panic attacks way too often for it to be a healthy occurrence.

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