What Will It Be?

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Ying and Lohan talk in a corner, "You're grandson talk strange is he a special child?" Lohan ask.

"Yunlan is very special to us his our treasure!" Ying replied. Meanwhile Shen Wei trying to ask Yunlan personal question to know him better. But his gege is the one answering and coldly staring at him. When he suddenly heard Ying said.

"Because you're my bestfriend I included you're grandchildren in my last will but a price that you're eldest grandson will marry my precious grandson Yunlan. Hearing money Shen Wei didn't heaitate, right now he will do anything for his twin to get well and money they need. He suddenly barge into their conversation.

"I will do it! For my didi sake! I'll marry Yunlan sir!" That surprised Lohan, "Wei!" He was about to protest but Ying chuckled and stop Lohan. "You're grandson is better than you! He know how precious my grandson is! Boy! Are you indeed willing to marry and protect him?"

Lohan shake his head but as Shen Wei look at his didi, "Yes I will!" Ying embrace him, "I know you're reasonable man don't fail me and protect my precious grandson! And welcome to the family!" As he pat his back. Lohan sigh, "What have you done?!" He said to himself as he worriedly look at Yunlan whose act like a child clinging to his gege.

Unknown to them Yezun whose watching the spectacles happening can't help to admire Bai Qi. His quite handsome and look like a strong alpha that he wanted as a mate. Bai Qi sense someone looking and turned to Yezun who blushed seeing that strong, brown eyes gazing at him. He suddenly hide underneath the blanket making Bai Qi smirk. As he felt he have smitten someone again.

Back to Shen Wei whose scanning Yunlan from head to toe, "Not bad! If you look at him without knowing his disability his gorgeous!" He whispered to himself but swallowed hard seeing Yunlan's gege turned his attention toward him. And blocked his view again. His eyes look dangerously at him as he know what his thinking. "I will not give up my didi without a fight!" That's what his gazing said to him.

Suddenly Yunlan smile shyly at him making Shen Wei's heart beat fast. "Wierd! I felt something?" The two grandfather agree that Shen Wei and Yunlan will be married right away and they will stay at the mansion. Before they left Shen Wei hold Yunlan's hand. Making the latter look puzzled at him.

"Have a safe trip Yunlan! What do you like as a gift? When I visit you?" Yunlan giggled and told him a toy airplane he want making Shen Wei confuse instead. When Bai Qi interfere, "Get you're hand off my didi! The two of you still not married!" But instead of doing what Bai Qi said.

Shen Wei kiss Yunlan's hand making him giggled some more while Bai Qi red in anger and snatched the hand of his didi. As he pulled him away. Lohan seeing it, "Ah! Wei! Don't provoke that man! You know how an alpha gege are?!" Yezun chuckled hearing it, "Yes gege! Is karma getting you now?!" As he they laugh.

"Yes right?! Laugh all you want! I'm doing this for you!" Yezun stop laughing as well his grandfather, "If you're not serious about Yunlan don't marry him. I think he have a nice soul don't break it!" Shen Wei sigh, "Yezun di! If you always use you're emotion you'll never get anywhere! At least marrying Yunlan will get us off the gutter! And you will have the best doctor and medicine you need!"

Lohan got worried hearing Shen Wei reason, "But Wei you'll be chain to someone you didn't love? Are you sure? You can still back up! My friend Ying will understand it and......" His words is cut off by Shen Wei. "And miss the opportunity to being wealthy?! No! I won't! Beside marrying Yunlan is not bad his quite handsome and look at that body!" Suddenly Yezun hit him on the shoulder.

"Gege that poor boy don't make him cry or I won't speak to you anymore!" He cross his hand and pout. "Be a good husband for him or you will speak to me!" Lohan laugh seeing the situation is reverse, "Whose the real gege of the two of you huh?"

The next day as Yezun was discharge at the hospital. The chauffeur of Mr. Zhao came to fetch them. But before they came to the house. Shen Wei stop by in a toyshop and a flowershop to give to Yunlan. Yezun and his grandfather never seen Shen Wei so excited in meeting someone. As they thought he wanted only money to Yunlan.

But unknown to them nor Shen Wei his getting attracted to the cute omega. Whose by the way playing at the garden and getting dirt on his clothes. Old Li his butler and nanny since small shocked to see him in dirty clothes. "Ayah! You little one why did you get dirt on you're favorite shirt! You're fiance will be here! Even you're face looks like a mess!" And tried to wipe it but it's too late. The car where Shen Wei is have arrive.

Ying and Bai Qi was quite disappointed seeing Yunlan in a mess. As Lohan, Yezun and Shen Wei as well. "Sorry that you see my grandson like this!" Lohan appologize while Yunlan look down like a child that's been scolded by his parents. Shen Wei lighten the mood, "Yunlan I brought a flower and toy airplane for you!"

Hearing airplane his eyes sparkle and snatch the airplane from him and quickly run to the garden to play. His butler Old Li run after him. Making Ying slapped his forehead while Bai Qi cough. Yezun and Lohan tried not to laugh in the situation. "Apologize again for my didi!" They thought Shen Wei was turned off on him but instead smile.

"Can I accompany Yunlan to play? To know him better." He ask. That made Ying smile while the other shocked. As Ying let him follow Yunlan. Bai Qi about to follow him but Ying command him to stay.

Old Li was scolding Yunlan non stop in the garden, while wiping his face and hand to take away the dirt. But Yunlan is in his own world flying his airplane. When Shen Wei came, he was startled at first. "Yunlan can I play as well?" Old Li was surprised but let Shen Wei played to his young master.

"I will be the pilot! And you're the passenger!" Yunlan said and trying to fly the plane with sound of it. "Can I be a stewardess instead to be near you?" Yunlan was confuse on what he said but he let him do it. So Shen Wei hold his hand as they fly the airplane.

"His hand is soft and his scent is so sweet! I might eat him right now here!" Shen Wei said to himself. Then he realize what he said. "Shen Wei stop you're dreaming! Where here for the money not him! Stay focused!" Old Li was confuse looking at Shen Wei whose talking to himself. "Ayah! They must be perfect for one another! One have his own world as the other is crazy! Tsk! What a pair!" As he cleaning the mess toys of Yunlan.

Shen Wei was having fun near to Yunlan when suddenly Hei Qi came with his friends. "Hey crazy!" His friends laugh while Yunlan was startled and got frighten as he went to Old Li's back. Shen Wei was confuse and angry on whose the guy with the same face of Yunlan. Who interupted them from their sweet moments.

Shen Wei blocked his view to his suppose to be mate. "And whose this person?! Do you have a death wish?! Huh?!" As both alpha stare at one another not backing away. "Hei Qi! Stop! His you're brother in law to be! Yunlan's fiance!" Hearing that made Hei Qi and his friends laugh. "His fiance eh? Let's see!"

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