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"Ghirahim?" I ask, but there's no answer. Weird, but oh well. I get up, and climb down the tree. "Oolo, have you seen Ghirahim?" I ask the first Kikwi I see. "No, I'm sorry Faelen. The last time I saw him was yesterday," Oolo apologises. "It's okay, I'll go look somewhere else, then." I walk away. Where could he be? Is this another one of his games? "Ghirahim!" I call out again. No answer. "Ghirahim left," I hear from my left. The Kikwi elder. "He... What?" I say, confused. "I saw him teleport away last night, and I haven't seen him since," the elder speaks. "Oh. Thank you, Bucha," I thank the elder. "Tell me, Faelen," he continues. "Do you love that man?" he asks me. I feel my cheeks heat up. "No?" I try, and the elders laughs. "Why was I asking anyway. Even a blind man can see it," he speaks in a friendly tone. "I'm not here to judge you, Faelen. I just want you to be careful around him. Even though he seems nice and well, I still don't trust him," the elder speaks. "I understand, but he's changed. I'm sure he won't hurt anyone," I say. "Not anymore." The elder sighs. "I hope you're right. He's still a demon, after all," the elder mutters. "Thank you for your concern, but I'm sure he's just... I don't know what he's doing, but he'll come back!" I say, trying to stay positive. Bucha shrugs, and walks towards some other Kikwi's. I sigh. "Ghira, where are you?" I whisper. "You called for me, darling?" I hear next to me. "Ghirahim! Where were you? I've been looking all over the place for you!" I say as I pull him into a hug. I feel him stiffen up, and I let go. "What is it?" I ask him. His eyes are looking everywhere but my face. "Ghirahim?" I ask again, and grab his hand. He immediately pulls away, and I feel my heart sting. Something's wrong. "Ghirahim talk to me! What's going on?!" I continue, worry filling my voice. Finally he fixes his gaze on me. "We can't be together anymore."

It feels like someone gives me a punch in the stomach. "W-what?" I don't understand. "Didn't you hear me? This was a mistake," Ghirahim continues, his voice now cold and distant. Like the way it was before. Every sign of his love and kindness of yesterday has vanished. I look him in the eyes, and I see his dark brown, almost black irisses staring back. They were once filled with love and kindness, but now, they're cold and intimidating again. "You were just a minor bump in the road. You almost had me, you know. You almost convinced me to give up my quest to revive my master," Ghirahim says in a harsh voice. "Clever, I must admit. I still don't know how you did it, but I am more than happy to announce that your little plan has failed." I shake my head. "There was no plan! I didn't trick you or anything! This is real!" I say, still not believing a word he's saying. "Do I need to write it out for you? You don't matter. Not anymore. Whatever you think we had, it's already dead and gone," Ghirahim snarls. I feel the tears well up, and this time, I have no strenght to hold them back. "I am the Demon Lord. I do not need anyone, I don't want anyone besides me and my master. And especially not some weak little agent of Hylia!" Ghirahim continues to insult me. It's like my voice is taken away, I can't get anything out. All I can do is stand there in silence and let it wash over me. "You are foolish if you think I ever loved you. It seems like my plan worked out in the end, to drive you and your little hero apart. Thank you for your coöperation, my dear. You've made my task a lot easier," he grins. That's it. I look up, and stare him dead in the eye. "I'm glad at least one of us got what they wanted," I say, and walk away. He's not worth it. I should've listened to Impa and Bucha. I feel sorry for Link. He was right all along, and I want to make it up to him. However, I'm not sure if he wants to hear from me. I had it all, how could it slip through my fingers that quickly?

That moment, I have made my decision. I make my way over to Faron. "Hello Faelen. Are you here because of..?" she questions, and I nod. "I'm sorry," is all she says. "I prayed that you would find your way along the path, but... I see that it didn't work out the way you wished," she says quietly. I don't respond, but simply hold up my hand. I've lost it all in a week time. I did this to myself. I am the one to blame. I made the wrong decisions. And now, it's time to take a step back. Faron turns around and grabs a small bottle. It has a blue, shimmering liquid inside. She hands it over to me. "Well, bottoms up, then," I say as I give her a sad smile. I drink it in one gulp, and feel myself get dizzy. My vision blurs, and I am surprised on how fast this potion works it's magic. I faintly feel how Faron catches me as I begin to fall, and the last thing I see, is the blue ceiling of her hall before the darkness covers me like a blanket. "Don't worry. I will take good care of you," Faron speaks softly.


"I am looking for the Gate of Time. Tell me it's location, or blood will flow." Faron looks up. "You will not find it. I will make sure of it," she answers the white-haired man standing in front of her. "Don't you think you already caused enough pain and suffering?" she questions him. He doesn't respond. "Tell me, you floating reptile. Where is it?!" Faron tsk's. "Such arrogance... And for what? The only person that could've saved you from the darkness, and you pushed her away. Smart move," Faron mocks. "You don't get to say anything about that!" Ghirahim rages. "She was in my way. I know my quest. I know my purpose. Do you?" he barks. Faron doesn't respond, she simply lifts her eyebrow. "Anyhow, I am not going to tell you anything, vermin," she speaks coldly. "You have flooded these woods with your little underlings, spreading fear and dread everywhere. And I am supposed to welcome you with open arms? After everything you did? After hurting my friends?" she speaks, her voice growing louder at every word. "Fine. Blood it is, then," Ghirahim growls, before attacking.

After Ghirahim's tantrum and attack, Faron was left quite injured. She had to stay inside of a special tub in order to regain her strenght. That is, when Link enters her halls. "Ah. I've been expecting you," she speaks to the blonde haired boy in front of her. Link nods. "I'm looking for the Sacred Flames in order to enhance my sword," he explains the situation. "And... I'm also looking for my friend," he silently adds. "Ah... I see," Faron nods. "And who is this mysterious friend? Perhaps I know them," she questions. "She... She and I had a fight not too long ago... I said some things that I shouldn't have. I was just mad that she wasn't a 100% at our side," Link explains. Faron nods again. "I see." Link looks up, hope in his eyes. "Have you seen her? Her name is Faelen," Link describes his friend. "Yes, I do know her. But, there's one problem, you see," Faron begins. Link feels his heart drop. "She's... Let's just say that she decided to literally be the neutral party..." Faron explains, as she waves with her claw. An image appears on the water surface, and Link runs over to see. "She..." he stumbles. There, in the water, he sees her. Lying on top of something that looks like a bed of stone, with beautiful white and blue flowers surrounding her. "There you have your answer," Faron pipes up. Link feels a tear drip down his cheek. "I... I never got to say sorry," he whispers. "Maybe it isn't too late for that. But for now, you must focus at the task at hand. I will tell you where to find the Sacred Flame you're looking for, but first I must ask you a favor." Link nods as he watches the water surface rimple, the image disappearing, and then become flat again. "What can I do for you?" he asks the dragon. "I need the holy water that can be found in the Forest Temple in order to heal," she instructs Link. "Don't let a dragon wait." Link nods, and heads off for the Temple.

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