Chapter 6 - The unplanned plan was a sucess

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Sofia's POV:

I woke up and did my daily routine and wore my office suit and then check any emails left untouched and saw that there's nothing new so I then continue to have my meal and prepare myself to head out

Loud bickering noises are heard in the neighborhood since the elderly men are yelling across each other's apartment so I hurriedly start my car and drove off to the office

I then arrived and park my car in my exclusive parking space and start heading to my own elevator and went up and here I thought I was the early bird but I was wrong because there's a worm wriggling already inside my office

"Good morning Ms. Rose, here are your schedule of the day, and no meetings till further notice ma'am" she said while handing me my schedule

"Okay, I'll just call you when I need you to do something and since I don't have any you can go now" she then bow and went out and now I'm left all alone in my office

She was about to sit when she received a text message from her father about the meeting and it seems that another meeting will be held to discuss the agreed decision of the majority of the stockholders

"And here I thought I won't be busy, fuck" she cussed to herself and smack the table not so hard

She then replied to her father's message and said that she will prepare the meeting room

She then open her cabinet and pull a bottle of sparkling wine to ease her nerves with something sweet

She then pour herself a glass and sip and sighed

"How can I even explain the plan when I'm not the one who thought of it??" She drank the whole glass and pour another

"I will need to talk to her about it or else I'll make an embarassement out of myself" she sighed and fall to her chair

After doing so she pick her phone and start typing something to her PA

Third Person POV:

The air is somewhat gloomy today and a certain someone thought that this calls for a beer with chips or some sex

The said person start walking and went to a convenience store and bought some beer and condoms and head out

They then start walking towards a brothel or some sort of entertainment house which offers sex services

"Oh, an interesting customer what do you want? We offer a lot of services here, as long as you got the money then you get your honey for the day only"

"Well, I only want a quicky so I'll just do that and can I pick the girl? Or something" the receptionist chuckled and nodded her head

"Of course we do, well if you have the money then more services can be done to you, well pick your poison" she then show portraits of the girls who give services

"Ah, I want the one whose name is Olivia" the receptionist then called Olivia and told her to head room 5

The masked person then head to the said room and after a couple of minutes the assigned girl did arrive

"Hello, you must be my client for the day so what service did you acquire of me?" the Olivia girl asked

"Well, I only have this much so a quicky and I swear I won't come inside you since I prepared condoms" the girl then nodded and started to undress

"Did nobody ever told you how beautiful you are? Your black hair, with your sapphire like eyes that seems to pull me closer" the girl chuckled softly and nodded

Drunk Yet SoberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora