Stepping Up, Chapter 61

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Tibs stared at the column blocking his way. It was in the doorway, and he couldn't understand why there would be a column where a door should be. It was made of twelve thick disks, stacked one atop the other, and each had a part taken out, as if some stone-eating creature had bitten into it once, then put it back, but hadn't bothered lining up those bites to allow him to use the gap that opened to go on the other side.

"I think we broke him," Craren said, "finally."

That was inconsiderate of that creature. Tibs had to get to the other side. Although he couldn't quite remember why.

This had happened a few times before. He remembered that, this loss of knowing why he was pushing forward. This time, he also knew it had to be because of how little sleep he got. Anytime he lost consciousness, those two would just start screaming until he woke and not stop until... did they ever stop?

"I think you're right," Val replied.

It wasn't because of his hunger or his thirst. His hunger had decided quite a few unconsciousness ago it wasn't even worth clamoring for the pit to be filled. And the smell of food almost repelled him now, instead of pulling him to the tables that lined the corridors. Thirst, meanwhile, had simply closed his throat as a protest against his decision to no longer imbibe ale. Even swallowing was painful.

His elements. That was why he was here.

No, one of them, but which one? And couldn't they help with this, somehow?

He looked around, then headed for a table.

What he needed was a nap.

He crouched to move under. Craren and Val raised their voices. They weren't saying anything, just making sounds. Loud sounds. Far too loud.

But Tibs was exhausted, so maybe he'd still...

He wanted to scream at them, but his throat constricted at the thought of pushing air through it.

Air! That was why he was here.

He stumbled to the column and stared at it.

No, that couldn't be right. It was made of stone, mostly, and the other elements, of course, like everything.

But the column had to go. It was blocking his way.

He put his shoulder to it and started pushing. Val and Craren laughed. They kept on laughing as he pulled earth from the floor to increase his strength.

They were right to laugh because the column won. Tibs's feet slid out from under him and he landed face-first on the floor.

* * * * *

He woke with a start to Craren screaming in his ear.

Abyss, what had he done to deserve this kind of treatment. And they said Corruption was the bad one.

He slowly got to his feet and blearily stared ahead.

Right. He needed to get that column out of his way. He sighed resignedly and put his shoulder to it again, this time crouching until he had the edge of a bite as a leverage point.

This was about determination, so he just had to keep going and he'd... what? What was he doing this for?

Something clicked. He moved forward, slipped, then his head hit the floor, but he fought through the flashing lights to stay conscious. Craren's screaming was helpful for that.

He ignored the bloody handprint he left on the floor as he pushed himself to his feet. How often had he cut himself at this point? So often that he could actually feel a gap in his essence's reserve. He couldn't remember that ever happening before.

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