Chapter Four: The Cries Behind The Lies

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People asked for Henry and Zander interactions so here ya go :)

3rd POV:

As Jake and his friends walked to school in the beaming of the sunrise, they continued their game of truth or dare. Turns out, the reason that they hated on the Music Club was because of what Zander used to do to Henry.

*They are all in 7th grade*
Henry was walking down the hallway heading to his next class, but then he suddenly bumped into Zander. Henry apologized, of course, but then Zander started laughing.

"I-im sorry, I thought I was short!" He said through his laughter.

Henry opened his eyes in shock. From what he had heard, Zander was really kind. Sure, he sometimes makes bad impressions at first, but that's only when they did something to him.

"Uhm what is wrong with your eyes? They're freaky." Zander looked him up and down and turned his gaze away.

Henry just stood there, he didn't know what to say. As Zander continued on, he mentioned how weird Henry's hair was, how weird his posture was, basically discriminating Henry in every category. Zander mainly focused on Henry's eyes, though. The thing about Henry's eyes is that they change color. They switch between a sage green and a deep brown ever so often. Henry's friends and family have always told him that he should be happy he's different and celebrate it, but there are always reasons like these that are holding him back.

Zander chuckled a bit at the fact that Henry just stood there with his head down, on the edge of crying. From that day forward, Henry started to hide his eyes. He'd always shut everyone down whenever they asked why.


"I'll beat you, Henry!" Liam said as he raced Henry down the hallway, heading to their next period class. 

"Not on my watch!" Henry said as he ran as fast as humanly possible whole giggling about the situation. That was until he left an impact as he fell over; he had run into somebody.

"Oh sorry-" Henry was in the middle of apologizing when he opened his eyes to see a chuckling Zander.

Henry looked up at him and Zander laughed more.

"You getting Deja Vu too, no brain?" Zander said this as he rolled his eyes. "This is why you started hiding those eyes of yours in the first place, remember? No friends of yours to help this time."

Out of reflex, Henry started to cry. He looked away, hoping Zander wouldn't notice it. The two then heard a third stop behind Henry, out of breath.

"Henry, what are you going on the floor? Are you okay?" Liam said this as he helped Henry up and looked him in the eyes.

Henry didn't know what to say, so he just moved his eyes in the direction of Zander to alert Liam he was there and that was what happened.

"Did you push him?" Liam said as he let go of Henry and cracked his knuckles. "What makes you think you have the right to mess with my boyfriend?"

Zander looked Liam up and down and just said 'whatever' and ran off to find Luke. Liam then hugged Henry tightly and told him how he'd always be there for him, if Henry ever needed help that he should call him.


Throughout the day, Henry kept bumping into Zander, and that moment kept repeating in his brain. He eventually ran and hid in the bathroom as tears rolled out of his eyes. It was like he just couldn't get that moment out of his head. Sometimes he wishes that Zander would just disappear. He can't stand all this drama coming back to him every time he runs down a hallway. He can't stand Zander. No matter how hard he tries to forget that moment it just keeps coming back. Zander keeps coming back. Everybody always thought that Henry was the one who was bullying Zander first and that Zander did nothing wrong but it was the other way around and nobody would believe him. The only ones that actually trust him where Liam, Jake, and Drew, and even then they were too afraid to say anything. They didn't want Zander to be blaming them for things that they didn't do, even though from the looks on the outside it would seem that they would do those things. Henry has been through so much, but nobody cares.

Nobody knows the truth. They just think he's a dumb*** that doesn't do anything important. They all take him as a joke. They don't take them as a person, with a personality, and feelings. But he is a person and he does have those things. He just covers it up with jokes and nonsense. That's just how he is. Yet nobody can see that he's just trying to be himself. People just think that he's just trying to overly hard to be funny and it's not working. Zander is a great example of one of those people. Henry is really insecure about his height and Zander knows that yet that's what he goes after. Henry is also really insecure about his eyes, and that all started because of Zander. Sometimes Henry just wishes that he was someone else, someone that people actually cared about, someone important. In all honesty, Henry has been through a lot but nobody can see it because he lies to cover up the cries.

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