Love Game♡Kaeya X NB!Reader

Start from the beginning

"Hahah. What's wrong? Can't handle the cold?" He says coolly as he jokingly makes fun of you.

"Of course you're not cold, you have a fur scarf!" You complain to him. "More importantly, why are we out here? You haven't even payed for the drinks for Archons sake! Diluc is gonna notice sooner or later."

"Follow me this way, Y/N." Kaeya says, completely ignoring the part about the drinks and gives you his signature smile.

Kaeya leads me to somewhere secluded behind a building, where there aren't any people. He then stops smiling and shoots me a question.

"Y/N," his voice drops a little, signaling he's serious about what he was going to say. "Why have you been so stubborn all this time? I know you have feelings for me, so why do you continue to refuse? Unless, I'm wrong of course." He states in an ice cold tone of voice.

"Hm? I'm not sure what you mean-" You didn't get to finish your sentence. You were quickly backed up against a wall with Kaeya's arm next your head. This was definitely a surprise, but you guess it was better alternative to him giving up on you.

"Getting nervous now, are we? I thought you held no feelings for me Y/N." Kaeya brought his face closer to yours and smirked at you while looking you in the eyes. Kaeya used his free hand to turn your face to his and force you to look at him. Eye contact was not your thing. It only made you more embarrassed. Your heart continued to pound viciously, without ceasing. Geez, at this rate I'll explode! You exclaimed internally.

"Nope. No way! I don't have a crush on you what-so-ever! Now um.. could you please back away?" You say, and gradually sound more sheepish towards the end of your last sentence.

Kaeya did not do as you said though. In fact, he leaned closer than before! It was like he was trying to study your entire face and engrave it into his mind or something at this point.

"Ah well, I'm not so sure I know what you mean, Y/N~." Kaeya tells you, kind of mockingly.

Dammit.. I'm being spoon fed my own medicine. I guess it's kinda deserved for messing with him for long, but I still deserve personal space! You thought in your mind.

"Ugh.. fiiinneee. You win. Have it your way then." You sigh. It was high time you just gave up already. There was no use in trying to get out of this. And there was also no use in acting like confessing to Kaeya was going to ruin your pride and dignity or something. Now that you thought about it, it seemed pretty stupid and a bit childish on your part.

"Yes.. I really really like you Kaeya." You say to him, blushing a shade of pink. Kaeya laughs a bit and says,

"That's what I like to hear. I see you've finally given up this little love game." He says.

Kaeya moves in closer, and moves your H/L hair (if you have any haha) out of your face. He hesitates for a moment, but you nod your head, signaling that it was okay. Given the green light, Kaeya moves his soft lips onto yours, his hands holding the sides of your head. Your hands move up and around his neck. One just hanging there, and the other on the back of his head.

This lasts for a of couple seconds, until you both eventually pull away. As the kiss ends, you exhale and you look into Kaeya's bright and beautiful eyes. You noticed they shone even more beautifully under the light of the moon.

"Would you like to be my romantic partner, Y/N?" Kaeya says to you after a few moments of silence.

"Hmm.... I'm not sure what that means!" You tell him jokingly. You pause for a second, but then continue with,

"Ahahah I'm just kidding! Of course I will."

"Well, how about we go have a romantic dinner at my place then?" Kaeya asks in a voice that makes your heart boom with enthusiasm.

"Um.. I would love to. But we should probably go pay for the drinks we had. Diluc is gonna kill you this time for walking off again." You say, trying to persuade him.

"Who cares what Diluc does? Certainly not me." Kaeya rebuttals.

"If Diluc kills my new boyfriend I'm gonna go jump off starsnatch cliff and haunt you in the afterlife!" You threaten.

"Alright, alright. I'll go back inside and pay for the drinks." Kaeya backs off of me and puts up his hands in defeat. He sighs before telling you to wait by the tables in front of Angel's Share while he waits for Diluc to stop yelling at him. I hope he's not banned this time.. But I guess we can always go to the Cat's Tail. You think to yourself as you walk over to the tables.

Luckily, a few minutes later, it was learned that he wasn't banned, but just got off with a 3rd warning. Man, how is he so lucky? You thought.

"Ready to go, my love?" Kaeya asks you sweetly. Hearing the words "my love" uttered from Kaeya's mouth made you want to melt right then and there, but you pulled yourself together and accepted his invitation.

"Yep! Let's go."

You were pulled into one last kiss before you two set off to Kaeya's house for a lovely late night dinner together.

I love this man way too much for my own good. But anyways- hope you enjoyed this oneshot!
As always, feel free to leave a suggestion/suggestions in the comments for who I should do next!
That's all, have a lovely day or night, wherever you are❤

Words: 1661

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