Chapter 3

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So here's what happened after our dinner.To think about ,everything went great .I mainly was thinking about ,the Muslim thing .I (Renee) thought to myself,I never would know to meet a guy like this.Would I date him (Aned) again .The answer was yes,because everything went well.I wasn't to soon to head back to see him.He called invited me back to store,so about closing, I arrived.I (Renee) said to myself while waiting in office for store to close.Do the guy (Amed) have a house,so I asked him .Oh" My he stated no " So where do you stay.I was like hold, so you not married you single .He said correct reason I,not ask earlier. Remember our dinner date I mentioned how the arab culture is about marry. So okay he said to me" I have no wife and kids.So I should ,I have a house I stay here in the store.I said, what he (Amed) what's wrong with that.I ( Renee) was stuck ,speechless first time knowing this.I had lots of questions. Like how long you been here,what your intentions, how many wife's you have etc .Basically anything came to mind.For how long 3 years he meant to go back sooner.He (Amed) Changed I said why ,he said I and my family are wealthy. They wanted me to marry lady from my country.She would be wealthy also,I wanted woman regular. Like ordinary attractive lady why ,not from here.I (Renee) I said oh my. So as months went by we continued to date.So he asked who I stayed with.My answer was with my mother he (Amed) stated I can get a place."When you are ready that is, you into me,I said Ooh boy.I know where this is headed what it is when I , want to get intimate.This culture don't do sex without being married.I stayed around he (Amed) treated me like a queen. Any real woman would adore that type of treat meant. So you will find out in what happened .In my next chapter

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