Despite herself, Lila placed a hand on Max's shoulder the second Billy's name was mentioned. She couldn't believe the audacity someone would have to use the deaths of others in hopes their death could bring the win of a basketball game. The whole thing made Lila nauseous, especially thinking of the dead bodies she saw. In those final moments, their last worries were not about winning basketball, she could see it on their faces as the light faded from their eyes. There was nothing there but fear.

"'For us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat? No! No. Let's win this game. Let's win this game for them. And that's exactly what we did!'"

As the crowd cheered, Lila noticed Mike and Dustin both had the same look on their faces as she did. It made Lila feel justified in her reaction, so much so that she almost wanted to run down there and smash his microphone on the ground. Of course, she simply grit her teeth together and kept listening, because, in the end, he'd win. A teenage girl going up against a boy like him would always end in her failure.

"We embarrassed those candy-asses in their own house, and now tonight, tonight, we're gonna bring home the championship trophy! Let's go!" The loudest eruption of cheers yet rung through the gymnasium.

"Tonight?" Mike questioned.

"How is that possible?" Dustin added.

"It's called a tournament. You win one game, you go on until there's only one team left," Max explained as she rolled her eyes.

"Let me guess, Hellfire?" Lila said as she looked at Lucas with the basketball team. "Looks like we're going to have fun at lunch." She knew Eddie was going to lose his mind, and when she stared at the two boys with a mischievous grin, they both could have sworn Eddie's facial expressions had influenced her.

"Please help us," Dustin said.

"Sorry, Henderson. I'd rather not be on the end of Eddie's annoyance."

"But you never annoy him! If you told him, he'd probably apologize to you. He acts like you're a God."

"Tell you what, I'll do it if you tell everyone what Steve uses on his hair."

"He'd kill me," Dustin argued.

"Then you're fresh out of luck. It's either dealing with Steve's wrath or Eddie's. Make your pick." Lila noticed the crowd finally clearing out as she gave him a pat on the back. "I'm sure it won't be too bad, just tell Lucas he's always on the bench anyway, so he might as well just go to Hellfire. Now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be."

Lila looked to find Max had already left and made her way to class.


"What are you reading?" Lila asked Eddie as she sat down at the lunch table.

"The devil has come to America," Eddie read in a deeper voice than usual, "Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... murder." His band members laughed amongst themselves at the face Eddie made as Lila snatched the magazine from him.

"Stop reading this stuff. It just gets you riled up, and it rots your brain," Lila complained.

"Whose to say you don't like me riled up?" Eddie smirked.

"Is that why last night you insisted-"

"Alright, that's enough of that," Eddie quickly cut her off, "I think the article is a good point of discussion."

INTO HELL [e. munson]Where stories live. Discover now