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·̩̩̥͙*•̩̩͙•̩̩͙ frankenstein ·̩̩̥͙*•̩̩͙•̩̩͙

 ·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ frankenstein ·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

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   THE TEACHER ASSIGNED FRANKENSTEIN FOR HALLOWEEN. Luckily, there wasn't going to be a test, but there was going to be another seminar. She claimed the book was short enough to where they could hold the seminar on Halloween, which was two weeks from the coming Friday. Eddie immediately asked to come over that afternoon, so she could help him fill out the paper and they could get it out of the way. Apparently, Eddie was planning a large campaign for Halloween night.

"The monster isn't called Frankenstein?" Eddie asked as he mindlessly stared up at her ceiling.

"No, he's Frankenstein's monster, and Frankenstein is the doctor," Lila explained. "Now, how does Victor relate to Prometheus?"

"How am I supposed to know? All I'm worried about is the upcoming campaign. I'm hoping by the end of the year we'll defeat Vecna."

"Seriously? That's what you're worried about?"

"Yeah, seriously. You should come sometime."

"I don't know the rules, and I'm not into that sorta thing," Lila brushed his invite off.

"Whatever helps you feel like less of a loser."

"Thanks," she said sarcastically, "Just take my paper to copy down my answers."

Eddie looked like he wanted to say something, but copied the answers down and left out the window from where he came. Lila had no clue why she'd let Eddie's words get to her, but she refused to speak to him. He'd be at her locker waiting in the morning, and to avoid him she had Dustin ask Eddie to come with him to his morning class claiming "bullies were following him."

"How long do I have to do this?" Dustin complained the Monday before Halloween.

"Until I say otherwise," Lila snapped back. "I want nothing to do with Munson."

"So you've said. I've been meaning to ask what you're doing for Halloween."

"Steve invited me to this party, so I'll probably be there until he gets distracted enough for me to sneak away."

"I thought you and I could do something."

"Just us?"

"Just us."

"Are you plotting something, Henderson?"

The boy had a sheepish grin grow on his face, "Be here at ten!" He went quickly into his classroom as Lila sighed before making her way to class, too.


Lila dressed as a fairy for Halloween, which was a drastic difference from her normal attire. She wore a small pink dress with wings poking out the back but still opted for a pair of dirty tennis shoes for her quick getaway from the party.

INTO HELL [e. munson]Where stories live. Discover now