Chapter 5: The Morning After

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Gentle rays of sunlight seeped through drawn curtains, sneaking their way into a darkened bedroom. Karu began to stir in his subconscious as his internal clock warned him that it was almost time to get up. Although it was the weekend, Karu had grown accustomed to getting up early whether he wanted to or not. He slowly opened his eyes, only to be met by Lucoa's closed ones. The graduate could not dare to disturb the feathered serpent's peaceful state, so he tried to go back to sleep.

As Karu closed his eyes, he noticed a breeze pass his lips. Karu opened his eyes again, looked down and realized that his and Lucoa's lips were touching the entire time. Karu pulled away in a flustered manner; but even in her sleep, Lucoa sensed Karu's movement and pulled him back towards her. Questions raced through Karu's head at a mile a minute.

Karu: (What happened after we went to bed? Did we kiss? Did she kiss me? Did I kiss her? Is she fine with this? Am I fine with this?)

The graduate widened his eyes as his mind started to enter the gutter. Karu used a free hand to carefully lift the blankets. He looked underneath and saw that both he and Lucoa were still clothed. Karu mentally exhaled as he carefully replaced the blanket and turned towards the ex-goddess.

Karu was instantly mesmerized. Although Lucoa's eyes were almost always closed, Karu figured she was still sleeping. The ex-goddess needed all the rest she could get after the emotionally exhausting day she had. Karu took in how Lucoa's blonde hair flawlessly framed her serene face. Karu looked down at Lucoa's chest as he listened to the ex-goddess' relaxed, periodic breaths. Karu felt himself falling back asleep as he watched Lucoa's chest gently rise and fall with every breath she took.

Just then, Lucoa stretched her arms, allowing Karu to pull away from her body. Lucoa turned away and yawned before turning back towards Karu. The ex-goddess groggily opened her eyes and smiled.

Lucoa: "Good morning, Karu~"

Karu: "Good morning, Lucoa. How did you sleep?"

Lucoa: "Great, thanks! I feel refreshed!"

The graduate smiled.

Karu: "Glad to hear it!"

Lucoa: "I slept even better since you decided to join me~"

Karu: "Oh! Well... I wanted to ask..."

Lucoa: "Hm?"

Karu: "Did I... Did I overstep my boundaries?"

Lucoa: "Not at all, Karu. Remember I said that I was hoping we could sleep together?"

Karu: "...Yeah that's right."

Lucoa: "So... Why did you say no, initially?"

Karu: "Well... You did have a rough day, so I didn't want it to seem like I was taking advantage..."

The ex-goddess smiled.

Lucoa: "Aww, you're such a gentleman~"

The graduate blushed at the dragon's praise.

Karu: "Thank you... Sorry if I woke you... Sometimes I just wake up early and can't go back to sleep."

Lucoa: "Hmmm... Do you have anything important to do today?"

Karu: "Not really."

The ex-goddess smiled and opened her left eye.

Lucoa: "I think I know how we can fix this."

Karu: "How?"

Lucoa: "You can rest your head on my chest~"

The dragon placed her hand on top of her breasts and gently rubbed them in a circular motion. Karu's face was flushed from embarrassment. Although he did have feelings for Lucoa, he was not expecting the feathered serpent to move this fast. Especially since she had just broken up with her familiar.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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