bit fruity

866 10 13

— February 8th - 6:33 PM —

— M.ALE.W.IFE & David Chiem —

M.ALE.W.IFE: Soo we're going incognito about this? (*'▽'*)

David Chiem: Yeah, I'd really prefer if this stayed out of the public. I'm very happy about us, maybe the most happy I've ever been. But - well - I'm sure you can imagine what would happen if my fans heard of this.

M.ALE.W.IFE: Understandable lol

David Chiem: So, how was dinner?

M.ALE.W.IFE: Infinitely good, even better because you made it )^o^(

David Chiem: Thanks. You were pretty cute eating it, too

M.ALE.W.IFE: I love you so much. omg

M.ALE.W.IFE: Wait what

M.ALE.W.IFE: Ddhicfihfcrufkdjdufhfurhdheeirh crap I

David Chiem: I love you too :)

M.ALE.W.IFE: I love you so much idek what to say or do or anything I am literally dying of happiness

David Chiem: Cuddles?

M.ALE.W.IFE: Yes pls (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡

David Chiem: Coming over right now :)

— February 8th - 6:41 PM —

— Unnamed Group Chat —

[unoreversehoe has joined the chat]

unoreversehoe: Who exactly mods this gc ?

Hu Jing: that would be David, why might you ask?

unoreversehoe: It needs a name @ David Chiem

unoreversehoe: @ David Chiem


Hu Jing: have you even interacted with David on this app?

unoreversehoe: How do you think he invited me

M.ALE.W.IFE: Quit blowing up David's notifications he doesn't have his phone on him

unoreversehoe: How would you know

unoreversehoe: Rhetorical question, I could guess why

M.ALE.W.IFE: What's that supposed to mean we're just hanging out

BowlingGirl2102: Where exactly??? Bed?

M.ALE.W.IFE: No, on the couch

unoreversehoe: Y'all got couches in your rooms?

manwhore: my turn for questions 💣🔫😄😄🔪 who are you

Hu Jing: I share Whit's curiosity. Neither your face nor your name are easily found by skimming through your profile.

unoreversehoe: Sorry I'd rather not get stalked

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