Internally, I swooned. My Little Wolf was finally taking my side and it truly felt good. Rebekah was going to come at her before I grabbed a dagger and expressed you come at her and this dagger will go in you. Make your choice, sister.

Elijah POV:
I had just been woken up by Elena and Bonnie and they wished me to help them get rid of Niklaus. However, I won't ever trust them. They have betrayed me more than enough times. Plus even when Niklaus gets me frustrated, he is still my brother. Moreover, I cannot forget the promise Rebekah, him, and I had made. Therefore, I decided to wake Rebekah and Kol up to make the choice on what should we do regarding Niklaus. I would not wake Finn because I know how he feels about us being vampires. Both Rebekah and Kok wanted revenge on Niklaus.

We had gotten word that Niklaus would soon be in Mystic Falls, therefore we decided to wait for him here. A few days had passed and we saw him enter with a beautiful young woman in his arms. It seems like they might have had gone through an accident since both were drenched in water. We spoke for a bit before he decided to take her upstairs. He came downstairs and we started arguing. Therefore, Kol went at him to take some revenge when he went flying across the room. Both Rebekah and I turned to the culprit and we couldn't believe our eyes. It was the young woman Klaus had carried upstairs. Wow, she was stunning. She truly looked like an Amazon Goddess. I wonder what she was doing with Niklaus. Rebekah seeing what occurred sped at her and before I could do anything Niklaus grabbed the dagger and put himself in front of the young woman and threatened to dagger Rebekah. Who was she? Why is that Niklaus cares so deeply for her. I plan to find out.

Kol POV:
As I got up from where the witch threw me, I sped behind her and began choking her. Before, Klaus could do anything she bit my arm.

Ohh, did I forget to tell you, she responded to the three of us. I am a hybrid as well. A were-witch. Therefore, poison just entered your body and seeing that I am also a witch I added an additional spell that will make yourself stab yourself nonstop until I say enough. This werewitch has some nerve. She's aggravating but I must say, I respect that. Therefore I responded, "Now, now little witch. We started off with the wrong foot. How about you heal my wound and I could teach you some ancestral magic? Based on what I've seen, you have the capacity to become a powerful witch. However, you need to be taught the different realms of magic. What do you say, I questioned?"

Yes, she responded. However, may I ask why your willing to help me?

I responded with you entertain me. Moreover, I haven't practiced magic in a while and I am down to have you become my pupil. Then yes, she responded.

Good! Although I muttered to myself: Another reason is to see how you have managed to tame my older brother. Moreover, gotten the attention of my other brother. Even though she was unable to hear it since werewolf hearing is not strong enough to hear all noises, the rest of my family did and both Klaus and Elijah gave me dirty looks while Rebekah responded with a not again remark. Therefore, I broke down into giggles.

Hayley POV:
Now, before any of you decide to attack Klaus again, it is important for you to understand that Klaus is trying to keep all of you protected. They all provided me with skeptical looks. Therefore, I responded with: "I get a lot of visions of the future and I saw you Kol and Finn die at the hands of the Mystic Falls gang. They did not seem to believe me so I told them to hold my hands so they can enter my vision. All three Mikaelsons entered my vision and saw both Kol and Finn die." Once returning to the physical realm, I began bleeding from my nose. Klaus fed me his blood even when I didn't want any. However, I took it because I saw how fearful he was on my behalf.

Kol questioned me on why I was bleeding and I responded with, I do not practice much magic. I only know the basics and the spell book my witch friend made for me. I am much more in touch with my werewolf side, therefore I lack a lot of experience. Kol automatically sympathized and said he would train me.

Before they continued I expressed, that's why Klaus wanted to return. He, Stefan, and I are working on saving you all, while at the same time protecting the Mystic Fall gang.

Niklaus POV:
After coming out of the vision, I am glad Hayley spoke to them about some future events. This would hopefully unite us against all future enemies. Therefore, I turned to them to apologize for my past transgressions. I took them all by surprised. However, I said that I wanted to atone for my past mistakes. Nevertheless, that they are the most important people in my life. Therefore, I will always stay true to My Always and Forever promise. I owe it to all of them.

They forgave me and even strategized with me. It felt good to work with my siblings instead of going against them. It was a fresh new start to all of us. However, what I did not appreciate was Elijah's attempts to flirt with Hayley or how his eyes lighten up when she speaks. She is mine and I hope he remembers that seeing that it'll be in his interest!

Third Person POV:
Niklaus, Stefan, and Hayley have finally arrived in Mystic Falls. What the three of them would not know is that they will face a lot of obstacles in trying to save their friends and families. The three of them would need to count on each other to make sure everyone stays protected.

While that occurs, Hayley will officially meet the Mystic Falls gang which will try to manipulate and use her. Nevertheless, Klaus will be forced to watch other men show interest in Hayley. He will need to prove to Hayley why he is the best possible match for her. What he doesn't know is that Hayley already feels something for him.

Keep watch for next episode. A lot of drama, angst, and the return of Esther and Mikael.

Changing the FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora