Chapter 37

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My eyes locked on a pair of familiar black eyes that I longed to see. Time stops, the entire world fades away leaving only him and I suspended in time. I blinked, then blinked again hoping maybe if I was dreaming, I could at least wake up. It was like even though I knew he was the one standing in front of me, I don't want to believe it. It looks too good to be true. I didn't want to believe it.

"Hello babe." He said, his voice thick and deep. His lips turn into those familiar smile of his. The sound of him calling me by the name he has given me made my heart beat faster inside my chest. I swallowed twice fast. Unlike how surprised I was, his face held confidence as if he was expecting this whole thing to happen.

I haven't seen him in six years and yet, here he is, standing in front of me. "Surprised?" He asked, his eyebrows raised in question. He even asked that? His eyes remained on me, looking at me with adoration. My stomach did a somersault as I roamed over his body. He is bigger, his body nothing but a wall of muscles. How did I miss that? He's dressed in a pair of black trousers with white shirt and looked so handsome in his expensive suit.

"Ke, Kel, Kel-vin." I said. He smiled as he took ginormous steps over to me and I automatically took some forward. He has become so tall I had to crane my neck upwards too see his beautiful face when he was approaching.

When he wrapped his arms around me was when I was sure he was here. I couldn't explain what I was feeling. I can only give you a clue. Just imagine someone so dear to your heart returning after six years. After both of you went through a lot. And the fact that you were not expecting it. Just imagine.

He raised me by my waist and all I could do was wrap my legs around his waist. Oh my goodness. He has become so tall, so strong and so handsome. "I've missed you." He whispered. Hearing his amazing voice just erupted goosebumps all over me. Oh my God, I've missed him. I've missed him so much.

I was tearing up. I had to cry. It was obvious I would cry. Why won't I cry? I remembered the time he left me. And now he is back. My Kelvin is back to me. I hugged him tighter as if he might leave when I let go of him. And oh, he smelled so great. He always has. But I've missed his smell. His cologne. He smelled much sweeter this time. I breath him in. It was as if I was going crazy.

When he finally placed me down, he held my teary face in his hands. "I'm here stop crying." He said in my face as he kissed my forehead. "Kelvin, it's you. You are here." I said as I burst out crying louder. He hugged me again. Much tighter this time. My head was at his chest. He brushed my hair with his fingers and couldn't stop kissing the top of my head.

"Shuuu babe. I'm not leaving again and even if I'm leaving, I'm going with you." I know. I won't even allow him to leave again without me. He hugged me close to his chest and I was there. Where else could I be?

The applauses of the graduates, was what brought me back to life. I totally forgot. I pulled away from Kelvin and he smiled lovingly at me. When I turned to look for Cassie was when I realised she was with Frankie. He is also back with Kelvin.

Kelvin took my masters from my hand and said, "hey my little medical doctor, I am so proud of you." I looked up at him. "Thank you. I'm proud of you too." I said my voice horsey from crying. I sniffed serval times as I kept looking at him. He couldn't stop smiling. He pulled me into a hug again and I wrapped my arms around his waist as if he was my property. No one should touch my property.

His arms was around my waist as he slowly led me to the school entrance. Mr. Levi was there already with a BMW. As soon as he spotted me, he came over to me and kissed the top of my hand. "How have you been young mistress." He asked. He has grown bigger. They've all grown so big in six years. It quite makes sense. Six years is definitely not a short period of time.

"I'm fine thank you. How are you?"
"I'm great." As he opened the door for us, Kelvin slowly helped me in and entered himself. Cassie and Frankie took another car. The problem was all four of us couldn't fit into the back seat. One person had to sit at the front. Now the question was who? I won't allow Kelvin to sit there and definitely Cassie won't allow Frankie to sit there. So we needed to take separate cars so everyone could sit beside her fiancé. Funny? It won't be funny if you were in our shoes.

Kelvin held me close immediately we sat down. I was really enjoying him. My head was on his chest and my arms were around his waist. His were around me.  "Why didn't you call me before coming?" I asked playing with the tip of his suit. He kissed the top of my head and said, "it was supposed to be a surprise. That was why I didn't call you yesterday or last to days."

I see. His surprise was really something. I just wanted to listen to his voice forever. I missed it. Raising my head to look at his beautiful face, I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and took my hand in his. I missed everything about him. His touch, his hugs, his kisses, his smell, his hands, his beautiful face, everything single thing. I went back to putting my head on his chest. It was where I missed the most. His chest. I always listen to his heartbeat when I do it. My hand was in his and he kept kissing it every seconds. His other hand was stroking my hair gently like I was a baby.

It took few seconds for me to realise we were at the hotel. When Levi opened the door, Kelvin helped me out like how he always does it. The gentleman. He led me to the hotel and to the penthouse. I brought out the other spare keycard and unlocked the door. The room was dark and the curtains were closed. What happened in here? Didn't Mom and everyone else come in here?

I took one step into the room. And then another. What is going on? Did something bad happened here or someone robbed us. Kelvin moved in front of me, shielding me with his body. We took few steps but nothing happened.?Further into the room was when the light went on and thousands of balloons poured on us. "Surprise!!!"everyone shouted. I almost screamed out in fear but Kelvin rubbed my back to tell me I was safe.

Everyone was laughing at how frightened I was. Wait till they get their surprise. It took them some few seconds for their big smiles to fade away. They looked at Kelvin and went silence. Wasn't it obvious? Mom Lisa walked slowly over to him and touched his face. It was as if she couldn't believe it. Kelvin smiled as he held her arms. "It's him. It's my son. It's Kelvin." She shouted pulling him into a hug. Sobbing, she kept rocking him like a baby.

When she pulled over was when Lia jumped onto him. He almost lost his balance but thanks to Frankie he didn't. "Oh brother. I've missed you so much." She said her voice cracking at the end as she sucked in her tears. Her brother is back as we all know it. The whole family hugged Kelvin and you know the water works started.

Everyone was crying. I mean everyone. I can assure you even if we had pets, they would equally cry. It was a sight. Cassie and my surprise has turned into a show of cries. Anyways, it was worth it. What surprise could be better than this?

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