Chapter Six

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After an interesting morning of events, May decided to take sometime for herself. She walked out into the gardens that Finny took care of. In one of the back corners, there was a shed.
'I wonder what that's used for.', May thought to herself. 'It looks like it hasn't been used it years.' May walked over to the shed and gave the door a hard pull, it creaked open, revealing a dark musty inside. May cringed.
"This place looks like it hasn't been used in years.", she said out loud to herself. "What could possibly be in here?"
May stepped inside the shed and began to look around using the little light she had from the open door. in the corner, there was a basket that appeared to have something in it.
May reached out to touch the basket. "meow." May jumped back and recovered from her mini heart attack when she heard another 'meow.'
"Oh my.", she said, "It's just cats!" She bent down to pick one up. There was a mother cat and four baby kittens, that appeared to be three girls and a boy. May picked up the boy kitten and cradled it in her arms.
"oh wow.", she said, "you're so cute and little! and your fur is so soft!" The cat began to climb all over May and dug his claws into her to keep his grip. "Ouch!", May exclaimed, "Ouch! Your little claws hurt!", she laughed. It seemed that when one kitten began to meow, the other three would meow after it. The shed sounded like a music room for kittens.
"Well, I see you've found my collection." May jumped, almost dropping the kitten and turned around to see Sebastian with a smirk on his face.
"Oh, heavens.", she said, "You have got to stop startling me like that!"
Sebastian laughed as he came into the shed and stood inches away from May.
"Now, May.", he said seductively. He tilted her chin with with his fingers and let his voice get low again. "Promise me you won't tell the young master about your discovery.", he said his voice became a seductive whisper, "It'll be our little secret." His mouth was inches away from May's. Her heart was pounding and she began to break a sweat.
'please.', she silently begged, 'do it now.' Sebastian smirked at May as her eyes were begging him to kiss her. He let go of her chin.
"My, my.", he said, "You know dear, I do know what it is that you want from me."
May's stomach did flip flops and her heart seemed to come into her throat, she gulped. " do?", she asked. Sebastian laughed and he took her chin in his hand again and tilted it up.
"Of course I do.", he whispered to her. A shudder went down May's spine and she felt her heat race again. Before May could find the words to say, Sebastian let go of her chin and took the kitten from her.
"I do appreciate you keeping this a secret from the young master.", he said, "It'll stay between you and I.", he winked at May and then set the cat down in the basket.
May was left speechless when he walked out of the shed and made his way back to the manor.
"Yes.", she finally said even though he was gone, "Our little secret." She touched her chin where his fingers once were. "Oh, Sebastian! I really don't want to love you!"
Back inside the manor, Grell and Beth sat in a sitting room, playing a game of chess.
"I never really understood the point of this game.", Grell said, "It's so lousy and it's for nerds.", he let out a yawn, "I would rather do something much more entertaining!"
Beth knocked one of Grell's pieces off the board and put one of hers in its place. "Well what do you suggest we do?", she asked him.
Grell thought for a moment. "You know.", he said, "I haven't been to a good party in a long time, why don't we throw one?"
Beth put down another piece and looked and Grell. "A party for what?", she asked. Grell clapped his hands together.
"Who cares!", he yelled, "I'll decorate the whole mansion just like I did a while back! oh! and I can invite Lady Elizabeth to help me out. Oh dear, I just hope she doesn't put me in one of those awful dresses again!"
Beth laughed. "But, Grell.", she said, "If you're wanting to become a woman, you'll have to wear dresses. Much like if I decide to take the identity of a man, I'll wear trousers."
Grell rolled his eyes. "Oh, perhaps you're right.", he said, "Now! where's the phone? I must call Lazy Elizabeth!"

Ciel slammed his fist down on his desk. "What in the devil!", he shouted, "A party tonight?", he face palmed, "I do not have time for such silly things."
"Forgive me, My Lord.", Sebastian said, "But I think it will be good for you to take a break from your work for a few hours. Plus, it will give May an opportunity to meet everyone we know."
Ciel sighed and put his hand on his forehead. "Fine.", he said, "But after this, I don't want the lunatic planning anymore parties at my manor!"
Sebastian cracked a smirk and bowed. "Yes, My Lord.", he said.

"We have only a few hours to prepare a ton of food for all these guests, yes we do!", Mey-Rin said pulling things from the cabinets.
"Mey-Rin, please do calm down.", Sebastian said catching plates as they fell from Mey-Rin's hands. "And please do get down from there!", he said, "You'll break all the plates!"
May lifted an eyebrow. "I would be more concerned about her falling and breaking her neck.", May said. Sebastian looked at May with a look of worry.
"But the plates.", he said, "I would hang my head in shame if anymore got broken. The young master would be furious." Bard played with the cigarette in his mouth.
"I don't even get the point of these parties.", he said, "People just stand around and drink and talk and drink some more." Finny nodded his head in agreement.
"I agree.", he said, "and for servants it gets so boring just standing around all evening."
Sebastian looked at the two of them. "I understand.", he said, "Which is why tonight, the servants will be attending the party."

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