The Scoops Ahoy storage room could hardly be described as anything more than a wardrobe with a light in it. It was tucked away in the farthest corner of the parlour, entirely inconvenient when a staff member needs to get from point A to B with an exceptionally large container of freezing cold ice.

      The room expels a thick chill as Arryn pulls the door open. Goosebumps rise on her exposed legs, giving Arryn all the more reason to hate the ridiculous uniform.

      The hat wouldn't fit properly on her head, the sleeves jacket dug into her armpits and the skirt was a bit too short to be comfortable. She was specifically instructed to not wear tights with it and heaven forbid she take off any of the accessories. It all seemed somewhat illegal but Arryn was a seventeen year old girl in her first job; her complaints were hardly at the top of any one's corporate list.

      Arryn finally locates Pineapple Twist at the back corner of the storage space and after manoeuvring her way through the other containers, using moves Cirque Du Soleil  would be proud of, the fruity ice cream is finally within reach. She slams the door shut with her foot, balancing the tub carefully in her hands.

      Arryn hastily makes it through the break room and pushes her way through the door, dropping the tub onto the counter.  The customers behind jump suddenly and the two girls shoot glares in Arryn's direction, though she hardly pays any mind. She turns to lean against the counter, watching Steve haphazardly drag the scoop through the ice cream in slight amusement.

      "One Bubblegum Pop for the lady." His voice is smooth, though his charm is lost on the two girls.

      They glance instead to one another before choking out the most shrill noise Arryn has ever had the displeasure of hearing. They take the ice cream with greedy hands and tumble out the shop, still giggling like hyaenas.

      "That was painful." Arryn says in her naturally unhelpful nature.

Steve turns to her, eyes sharp. "Yeah, well you weren't the one experiencing it."

"True, but I'd say watching it was worse." If Arryn had learnt anything from the past week, it'd be that Steve would typically hit on any women that had the misfortune of stepping over the threshold. The doors would part, giving way to the girls of Hawkins, and Steve would practically leap at the counter. It meant Arryn wouldn't be burdened with taking their order, though the downside was witnessing the art form that was Steve Harrington's flirting.

      It was a 50/50 arrangement.

"Then maybe you should mind your business." Steve snaps, though there isn't any real malice to his tone. He drags the Pineapple Twist with more aggression than necessary down the counter, sighing. "Wouldn't have to see it that way."

"Touched a nerve there?" Robin chimes in, smiling as she does. She leans over the counter from the break room. "Yet another one gets away. You're gonna run out of ladies, Popeye."

"Yeah, yeah, just write it down on your stupid board."

"You have a board?" Arryn frowns, "since when?"

"Since Steve dropped a cone of Rum and Raisin on Petra Hawthorn." Robin says and does in fact, mark yet another tally on a whiteboard she pulls from who knows where.

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