2. The doctor's speech

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"We all know that when we sleep, a sharp stimulus can disturb our sleep. For example, a sharp sound can wake you up. Just like this, when the person is not in consciousness or 'dreaming', that is, the person does not have awareness about the world he is in, the brain takes in strong impulses or stimuli from the external world and manipulates the dream world. Since we are not aware, we do not know what is real and what isn't. So we assume that the dream world is our reality. In the dream world, you can walk, run, jump, swim and do pretty much all that you can do in reality. This is where our theory comes in. If we find a way to bring the subject's voluntary control into action, yet keep the brain in a subconscious state, the subject is in the dream, but his hands and legs move in the real world. This is not possible naturally, however we can induce this effect, so called "Mind Control", by administering a special drug that we developed, called the Stimulated Reality Compound. This is a really important invention, because with this, we can control the subject in his own perceived vision of reality. This drug enables control of the body, but the brain is not woken up into reality. The subject is in his own dream world, but the actions in the dream world are actually done in the real world. We have modified the chemical compound several times to make it as fast and efficient as possible. I cannot disclose more about it. Because of its harmful potential, this chemical is very dangerous and so we have locked it away. Thank you very much".

Robert adjusted his white coat upon his shoulders and walked out of the room. The security agents in their black suits waited in the room until all the others were out.

The next few days went boring. Robert was in his house, taking a break from all the research work he'd been doing. Jack's time was occupied by his first assigned mission. The city slept, woke up and worked as usual. After a couple of weeks, Jack finally got some time to give to himself. He explored this new place, felt how life goes on in this busy city.

After a couple of weeks, Robert got some time to get out of the laboratory and go to his home and take some time off his work. On one fine morning Robert took the city newspaper and read the big black headlines, "Weapon smugglers gang arrested" "Officer from security department to be awarded Bravery Award".

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