Chapter 9

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-Riley's POV-

I stared suspiciously at the princess as she smiled warmly at me with a plate full of breakfast in her hands. Tilting my head to the side I breathed in deeply. I caught the scent of sausages, bacon, eggs, pancakes, fruits, and two different types of juice. Fighting my way out of the nest of blankets I had made on the floor the night previous I yawned. 

"Well aren't you just the cutest thing" the princess cooed as she sat carefully on the floor with me balancing the tray of food in her hands. 

Me. Cute. No those were bald-faced lies but the reply I settled with was a meek "Thank you Princess" She looked disappointed when I used her title but I just brushed it off. She was of higher standing than me, I was just a walking blood bag. Food for Master and that was it. 

"Would you care to join me for breakfast, I couldn't possibly eat all this by myself" She spoke gesturing down to the two plates on the tray along with the drinks and cutlery. 

"Yes please, princess"  I responded knowing it would be bad manners of me to refuse food from a princess. 

The warm smile that I got in response made my heart do a weird flip. Though that might just have been the fact I'd never been served such a large portion before. I was practically drooling at the sight of all of it. 

"Then don't mind me, and dig right in sweetie," She said with a grin her sliver eyes sparking with kind emotions. 

Nodding again in thanks I picked up the plate closest to me along with a knife and fork and settled it on my lap. I ate slowly and carefully not wanting to throw up. Like I had at several vampire parties in the past when I had eaten too much food too quickly. And even then the vampires didn't care and I was drained to an inch of my life again. 

I shivered at the memory before pushing it down. 

smiling weekly at the princess as she looked at me concerned I continued my breakfast. It was one of the best meals I had eaten in a long time. I didn't have to worry that it was laced with drugs or a blood-thickening agent. After I had filled myself up I was still left with half a plate of food and I felt bad. She had gone through the trouble of bringing it to me and I couldn't even finish it. I let out a stressed whine as I thought she would shout at me for not being able to eat what she had provided. 

As if catching my thoughts she spoke. 

"It's alright Riley. I wasn't expecting you to be able to eat it all. I just wanted to make sure you had a variety of food" the princess said warmly the same kind smile on her face as the one she gave me yesterday when she told me I was her mate. 

"Aa...are you sure" I stuttered as I cast my gaze down to submit to her dominace. 

"Of course. And you don't have to keep looking down. I am your mate. I will never harm you" She soothed her tone soft and warm and it made my want to believe her. 

But why should I. The past has shown that no-one could ever love me. What would make her different. As the last of my thoughts finished I winced as I felt a pressure on my mind and my eyes felt like I had gotten something caught in them. 

A sharp gasp had me titling my head in confusion as I took in the princess' shocked expression. Was there something on my face. Reaching up I rubbed my face but when they came away clean I became even more confused. Shrugging it off I settled back into my nest of blankets. Why was I so tired. My body felt heavy and my head throbbed every now and again. 

"Princess, can I have a book to read" I asked with a yawn as my eyelids got heavy. 

"Of course my Riley, what genre" She replied softly and I got that weird sensation in my heart again. Heartburn?

"Fantasy, or history please" I mumbled as sleep dug its claws in and refused to let go. 

The last thing I saw before the darkness consumed me was the soft smile of the princess as she picked up the food tray. No doubt she would be back again at lunch with more food and hopefully some books. Because if I was going to stay here I wanted something that would keep my mind of my thoughts. 

But still the princess shouldn't be so kind to someone that was so far beneath her. 


-Belle's POV-

"Has Baron Nigel returned with my new bloodslave" I spoke absentmindely into my office where three of my clan were reporting to me. 

They were of the older generation the same as me. Elders. The most powerful of vampires. My three most trusted advisors. Ernest the only man among us who handled my diplomatic affairs and reported to the vampire royal family on my behalf. Rosemary the overseer of my estate and clan and finally Joesphine who was in charge of the elite group of shoulders that guared my lands. 

"It seems there is a problem Dutchess" Ernest spoke his voice quivering as I fixed him with a glare. 

"And what would that be Ernest" I whispered before moving vampire fast to look him in the eye. His eyes swirled like grey storm clouds and I could practically taste his fear. 

"The Baron was captured by Princess Victoria for wrongful treatment of a bloodslave. At least that is the official story" He rushed out in one breath as he tried to back away from me. 

"And the unofficial story" I prompted knowing there would be more. There always was.

"It seems Riley is the Princess' mate" Ernest replied causing me to halt. 

Intresting. What were the odds that the two people I was currently interested in were mates. That princess will be mine to control soon. Having a princess in my elite guard squad would make it much more powerful. And I wouldn't mind having a sip of her blood now and then. But Riley. Oh that boy was bought and paid for and it wouldn't be sound business practice to not collect what I was owed. 

"Ernest arrange a trip to the Firestone castle, say that we are coming to collect Nigel for proper punishment under vampiric law" I spoke thoughtfully grinning at the thought that the princess and the bloodslave will soon be mine. 

"Right away dutchess, I'll make the arrangements, Though it may be a few weeks before we are able to get an appointment" Ernest replied quietly. 

"I have patience, do not worry Ernest and go do your job" I chuckled grinning as Rosemary and Joshpine hissed at him as he passed. 

"He still seems eager to be by your side after decades of rejection" Rosmary hummed before sniggering at the thought. 

"And If he steps out of line, he will die by my blade" Joeshpine chimed in her icy eyes glimmering maliciously in the light as she place her hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist. 

"Yes, now you two go attend to your duties. I will call when I have need for you. Understood" I ordered. 

"Understood" They replied in unsion before they two left my office. 

Walking back over to my chair I sat down. It wouldn't be long now. 

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