Chapter 15

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-Riley's POV-

I felt heavy and darkness surrounded me. With a groan of annoyance, I realised I had passed out again after getting my powers out of control. Blinking my eyes open, I took in the scents, sounds and sights around me. I was back in my room with the covers pulled up and the curtains were drawn since I could still see light coming through them. Next, I heard shallow breathing to the side of the bed. Turning my head I smiled lightly as I recognised the Princess' form she was softly snoring fidgeting every now and again. My smile however soon fell as I noticed the bandage on her arm and the smell of scorched skin on the cloth. I hurt her. My mind began working desperately as I tried to remember what had happened. 

Closing my eyes I remembered saying no to Nigel and then sparks jumping from my body that I let out so he couldn't get too close. She had tried to reassure me but I couldn't hear and then she got hit. Not once but twice. I immediately felt sick as I remembered. She had never lifted a finger to harm me but I had hurt her. Sorrow built up in my chest as remorseful feelings churned in the pit of my stomach. Tears stung my eyes at the thought of hurting the one person I trusted not to hurt me. What if she hates me now. 

"Riley, think a little more about what happened" Scout's voice rang in my mind sounding stupidly happy. 

At his words, the rest of my memory filled out and a soft squeak left me as my fingers rose to my lips. She had kissed me and then I had promptly passed out. My fingers lingered on my lips as I recalled the feeling of her kiss and the pleasure it had caused. To be surrounded so intensely by her dominating scent and to know I am completely safe and at her mercy.  A shudder of awareness raced over my spine as her soft snores vanished from the room. Sitting up a blush lit up my cheeks as I spotted the tent in the blanket where my crotch was. 

"Mmmmmm, you smell so good" those gruff words from the princess had me rushing to cover myself up though I knew it would do nothing she knew I was aroused. My pheromones gave it away. 

"I'm sorry" I spoke with a whimper in my words as the smell of her scorched flesh caught my nose again increasing my guilt. 

"It's alright Honey, you were stressed and scared and I knew the risk of getting too close and I chose to come closer" She offered as she sat up and stretched the blanket on her lap falling to the floor. 

When it did a soft gasp left me as I spotted the strain at the front of her pants and her pheromones washed over me like a drug. But she was female. Why did she have one too? 

"It's embarrassing if you stare" She whimpered and my breath caught in my through as I heard the soft sound. Her face became pale pink her Silver hair making her look like a goddess.

"You are beautiful" I blurted out my brain having no time to stop my words as the urge to go to her became intense. 

At my words, her face became even pinker and the bludge in her trousers became bigger. Her pheromones pulsed out of her in waves. 

"Princess" I whined as I threw myself out of the bed and into her arms. 

She caught me effortlessly and I breathed in deeply wrapping my arms around her neck and breathing in her scent. Heat pooled in my stomach and my heart ached for her touch having denied myself and her for so long. But with the last of the walls of my mind shattered I craved her, needed her, wanted her and so much more. 

"Sweet Riley, tell me what you are comfortable doing" She whispered into my ear causing a shudder as the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. 

"Can I kiss you?" I asked blushing as I seated myself on her lap and even though we were both clothed I could feel her arousal digging into my backside.  

She grinned at me and my heart did a flutter as she pecked my nose. 

"Of course Honey, we'll go at your pace" She answered her silver eyes looking deeply at me with patience and love.

I licked my lips in nervousness my breathing uneasy as her eyes followed the movements of my tongue. Leaning forward I pressed my lips to hers slowly and awkwardly. But she helped me deepen the kiss never taking over just the slow patience of a tender mate. I wanted more. Pulling away I looked into her darkening eyes and my doubts about whether she cared were erased. This woman loved me with all of her being. 

"I want more" I breathed my hips bucking forward unintentionally. 

"Are you sure sweetie" She questioned as she looked at me with concern even through her lust-filled gaze. 

"Yes," I replied nodding my head vigorously as another waft of her scent reached my nose.

I moaned softly as her fingers gently grasped my hair pulling my head up before she leaned down and captured my lips. This kiss was heavy and intoxicating as she explored every inch of my mouth dominating me thoroughly. I purred at the thought my boxers feeling soaked. 

A pained noise escaped me as lust consumed my being. When she pulled away I laid my head on her shoulder nipping and licking at her skin the urge to mark her nearly impossible to ignore. I wanted to let everyone know she was mine and I was hers. My canines snapped down while I mouthed at the space between her neck and shoulder. 

"Your playing with fire Riley" She groaned her voice horse and full of restrained desire. 

"I want to be your's princess" I sighed as I rose up so I could look into her eyes. 

"And I want you my sweet Riley" she growled softly her eyes sparkling in the dimly lit room as all four of her canines grew. 

"Please be gentle" I whined softly as she sniffed at my neck before her tongue brushed over my skin. 

I froze for a second as memories of my past surfaced.

"I am not them Riley and I never will be, will you wear my mark and I'll wear yours forever and always" She spoke her voice cutting into my mind and bringing me back to the lust-filled situation I had put myself in. 

"Yes," I answered. 


"Forever and always" I agreed after a moment of silence.

A throaty moan left me as she sucked on my neck before nipping. Memories tried to surface again but I pushed them back. She is my mate she would never hurt me. Relaxing I enjoyed the sensation of her tongue swirling patterns on my shoulder and when her teeth sunk in I gasped at the pleasure of the marking. As she pulled her teeth out she closed the wound and my entire being vibrated with pleasure. 

Licking over her shoulder I bit down her blood coppery on my palate but as I bit her I felt our connection stabilise her emotions and thoughts a soft buzz in my mind. Pulling away I closed up the wound smiling proudly at my mate as she grinned at me.

"You know what comes next honey" She growled as she picked herself off the couch with me still in her arms. 

I nodded as she set me down on the bed and started to remove her shirt. 


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