Chapter 20

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-Victoria's POV-

The tension in the castle as we returned even though party decorations were up told me something was wrong. It had been a further two days since my dream and my skin prickled as I noticed Riley was not with the greeting party. 

"Where is my mate," I asked quietly my voice calm even though a torrent of anger and sorrow simmered beneath my skin. 

"He has yet to return from his flight, my princess, His guards have yet to return as well" a nervous voice spoke from the crowd the tremble in the voice causing greater fear to grip my heart. 

"Why has no one gone to search for them" I snarled feeling my skin heat the air around me. 

"We did not notice they were missing" came the same nervous voice this time the tremble began to irritate me.

I took a calming breath once, twice and a third time before I fixed the crowd gathered with a cold hard stare. 

"How do you not notice four people have not returned from a flight? One of those people your princess' mate" I started smoke puffing out of my nostrils as I breathed out. 

"Well," the same voice tried but the growl that bubbled up from my chest stopped them.

"Sister we will find him," Lucian said beside me as he tried to comfort me by placing a hand on my shoulder. 

I shrugged away from his touch. I don't deserve to be comforted when I had failed the only person I needed to protect because of what. Duty. To hell with it and all the responsibilities keeping me from protecting him.

"I'm going to find them, send trackers if you care" I growled sharply Blue adding a rough quality to my voice as she shared control of my body. 

Wasting no more time with pointless words I pushed past several people as I made a beeline for the castle doors. No one dared stop me, especially with my skin burning with dragon fire embers of silver flame jumping dangerously from my skin with my careful control slipping. As I stepped out of the castle into the evening air my nose immediately picked up his scent the freshest trail mingled with the dragon-shifter Ralph whom I'd had guard my mate. My wings sprouted from my back in seconds ripping my ceremonial robes. My tiara fell as my horns grew, my claws ripping through my gloves and my tail appearing as I felt my eyes change colour. 

"Tia wait, we can do this together" Lucian called but I was too lost in my despair to notice my brother's words.

I was up in the air not a moment sooner my wings carrying me forward at great speeds while my nose followed Riley's trail. My heart sank as I came close to where his scent was heaviest, it was full of terror and defeat. Landing in the clearing in my partial shifted form allowed me to survey the damage. 

"Uncle Ralph" I called upon seeing the man who had watched me grow up. 

"Hey kiddo, I'm sorry we couldn't protect him for you" he coughed blood oozing from his open chest as he spat what had gathered in his mouth out. 

"No this is my fault, have you called for help," I asked as I looked at him further. His arm had been ripped away at the elbow joint and his ribs were poking in every which direction.

"I couldn't get through their venom blocked off my dragon and with him the mind link" He replied his head hanging in shame. 

"What about Clark, or Kia," I asked hope trying to rear its head in my mind that they were alright and that my vision was wrong. 

"I'm sorry Tia" He sighed as he lifted his good hand and pointed across the clearing. 

Following his direction, I spotted Kia she was knocked out her large winged snake form writhing in pain before she shifted to her human form only to immediately go back to her snake form. 

"What's happening to her" I voiced as I knew her to be stronger than any normal poison or ailment.

"I do not know kiddo" Ralph coughed again before groaning in pain. 

Knowing I could do nothing for Kia while her body fought the poison I searched for Clark, the butler who had seen to my every need since I had returned from school. The butler who had stayed by my side through my dreams and my tempers. 

"Clark" I whispered in horror as his open dead eyes stared back at me from his severed head. 

The werewolf had been nothing but kind to me and I had gotten him killed.

"It's not your fault Tia," Lucian's voice said from behind me as he entered the clearing with several werewolves all either healers or trackers. 

"It is, and no one else is gonna get hurt because of me" I cried finally feeling the tears that had been falling down my face. 

"Don't do what I think you're going to Tia, we can help" Lucian tried but I shook my head and offered him a sad smile. 

"No brother, you have your daughter to think about and your kingdom I can't ask for you to fix my mistake" I laughed the sound hollow and broken to my own ears. 

When I finally let go I was in my fully shifted wolf-dragon form. I howled out my anger, frustration and loss before my voice roared for revenge and retribution. I would get him back and that fucking vampire would pay for hurting my pack members. 

"Wait" Lucian called again but with another snarl, he let it go though his golden eyes and promised I'd be severely disciplined for disobeying my king. 


-Ernest's POV-

I carefully situated my dutchess' new blood slave in his cell being careful to handle his small body delicately. Bound by my love and the curse between us I could not do anything to help this pregnant omega from whatever fate the dutchess had in store for him. I had purposely told her the meeting of royals was longer than it was. The princess would already be on her way. I only prayed she would get here before the dutchess desired to feed again. Maybe then the princess could kill me and put an end to my eternal suffering.

"Admiring my new slave Ernest" The dutchess' voice startled me causing me to jump. 

"Not at all my dutchess" I replied casting my eyes down as she strode forward. 

"Good boy, he is mine and mine alone. Understood" She hissed as her clawed hand combed through my hair before her claws bit harshly into my scalp. 

"I understand" I moaned in pain her touch euphoric but putrid at the same time. 

"Now leave me" She ordered her tone leaving no room for argument or answer. 

"Yes, Dutchess" I murmured before taking my leave of the torture and feeding room.

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