"You're mean," Kun pouts, before his expression changes so fast into a cheerful one, "Have you heard?! Cheng-hyung's team is having a female! The first female player in our league!"

Pope sighs and watch as Kun talks dreamily about Lu Si Cheng's girl, "I'm going to meet her! I want to beat her so bad hyung!" Kun leans over the couch like a little child looking at Pope as though he just won a bucket of his favourite candy.

"Don't bother," Pope says with a yawn, leaning forward with a smirk, "Because that's Cheng's woman,"

Kun's eyebrow knits together, pouting again, "What? Cheng-hyung's woman? He hasn't even met the girl and she's already his?"

"Well, it's more like she owns him," The ADC shrugs proudly, "Anyway, don't bother trying to get her to be your next girlfriend, Cheng will beat you up,"

"Well, I won't get beat up if Cheng doesn't know," the jungler says smugly before getting hit in the face again.

"Dummy, you're in China's team, you'll meet Cheng sooner or later," Pope reminds the young child, "He'll definitely know if you're flirting with his girl,"

"I don't believe you," Kun says stubbornly, before taking his snack with him and stomping out of the elder's office. Pope watches as Kun sulkily slam his door close, shaking his head at the younger one, Pope decided to take a rest, moving to his couch, and taking a small nap.

"I don't get paid enough for this," he complains, thinking about all the memories of him taking care of cold Lu Si Cheng and hyperactive Lee Hang Suk. Shivering at the memory, Pope wraps himself in a blanket and takes a nap


Jin Yang walks into the kitchen halting when she noticed the dull and heavy atmosphere around her two children. Tong Yao seats silently at kitchen bench, Da Bing in her arms as the young former ballerina run her fingers through the cat. Lu Yue dully stands over the stove stirring the pot before attending more ingredients. Moving towards the chair of the kitchen bench, Jin Yang silently observe the two, trying to figure out what has happened.

"What happened?" Jin Yang finally ask, not in the morning mood to be Detective Sherlock Holmes, "Why the depressing atmosphere in the city of love?"

"Because Love's depressing?" Lu Yue states his answer as a question, turning his head to Jin Yang, flashing her a cheeky smile, "No, just kidding," he laughs at the dead pan expression Jin Yang was giving him, "Just download Instagram again,"

Jin Yang's curiosity grows even more, she knows for a fact that her friends always argue at Instagram but never in any other social medias. Tong Yao silently pushes her iPhone towards her friend, nodding for Jin Yang to see the problem herself. Lu Yue switches the stove off and place a pot heat holder on the bench before placing the cooked ramen in the middle and grabbing the other essentials such as bowls, chopsticks, glasses, and a jag of water for the three of them.

"I'll give you summary," Lu Yue seats down on the other side of Tong Yao, right in front of Jin Yang, he placed some ramen inside his bowl, before speaking again, "Cheng-ge commented on Trey's post and Theodore got so entitled that he said that Cheng-ge isn't important enough to be recognised or even be part of Tong Yao or Da Bing's life,"

Tong Yao hisses as she kicks him on the shin whilst Jin Yang gasps and instantly go to Trey's Instagram post, reading the comments slowly and carefully.

"But Cheng-ge is Da Bing's father though," Jin Yang comments, scrolling through Trey's post, trying to find the argument.

"You interpreted it wrong Lu Yue," Tong Yao sighs letting Da Bing go and grabbing her bowl and chopsticks, putting some noddles on her bowl. Lu Yue rolls his eyes and slurp his noddles in one go, "Theodore didn't mean it like that,"

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