Stubborn Pain

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 "Good, now sleep" he said. I nodded once again before letting myself slip back into the darkness of my dreams.

I was awoken later when I felt hand grasp mine gently. I hissed a little as pain shot through my sprained wrist. The pressure of someone else's hand immediately left mine.

"Is she going to be ok" a voice whispered.

"Yea, she's been in worse conditions then this before" I heard Day answer.

"What" The Voice roared in anger. I flinched at his voice and slowly opened my eyes to see a calm Day and a very pissed off Luka, his dark green eyes seem to be alight with a burning fire. He suddenly looked down at me on the bed and his eyes softened.

"What happened" he asked me. I didn't answer him, instead, I looked over at Day.

"Do you want me to leave" Day asked.  I nodded slowly. I knew I would have to explain some things to Luka. I just hoped he would listen and keep this to himself and not tell the entire school of my fucked up life. Day sighed then looked over at Luka and glared.

"I don't care if you are a gang leader and your gang is downstairs, you hurt her in any way and I will kill you" he promised. To my surprise Luka didn't laugh or smirk at Day, instead he bowed his head in respect.

"I have no intention of hurting Anastasia" he said sincerely. Day nodded then looked back over to me one last time before walking out of the room. I sighed and slowly tried to sit up. When Luka saw what I was doing he leapt forward and gently tried to push me back down.

"No, you're hurt. You need to rest" he said. I shook my head.

"I need a shower" I said. I know I had one earlier but with the nightmares I was covered in sweat. I also needed some time to think about what I was going to tell Luka, and if I could really trust him or if I would have to lie about what really happened. Luka sighed.

"That can wait a little longer. You need to rest" he said again. I shook my head. I was determined to get up.

"You heard Day. I've been worse" I said as I sat up and slowly swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Luka sighed and tried once more to get me to lay back down, but I wouldn't have it.

"If you don't let me go shower I'll call Day in here and he'll let me" I warned. Luka narrowed his eyes at me in warning.

"He would do the same thing I'm trying to do" he said. I shook my head.

"Day" I called. A few seconds later Day rushed into the room looking for any threats, but when he saw me sitting up and Luka looking annoyed he chuckled.

"Man, if she wants to get up you can't stop her" he said. I smiled.

"Can you get me some cloths and start a shower for me" I asked. He nodded.

"I sure can" he said.

"Thank you" I said. He nodded and disappeared into my closet before walking out with some clothes and going into the bathroom. I looked over at Luka who was glaring at Day.

"What's wrong" I asked confused. He looked over at me and sighed running his hand through his long black hair.

"I don't like the idea of him choosing your clothes or seeing you naked" he said with a bit of jealously in his voice. I laughed, causing pain to shoot up my back and ribs. I gasped and doubled over trying to catch my breath. Once the pain had subsided to a steady throb once more I slowly sat back up and clutched my ribs to keep them from moving more than necessary. Luka gently took my hands from my ribs and placed them on his chest. I looked up at him in confusion.

"I'm going to check for any breaks. I know Day said you had about three breaks but I know a little more than he does. I've dealt with this a lot in the gang" he said with a shrug.

"What's with the sudden change? Why do you want to check for breaks all of a sudden" I asked still confused. Luka became serious as he stared at me all the light in his eyes left.

"I saw the pain on your face. You can't press on a broken rib like you were just doing, it could heal wrong. If it is broken then they need to be wrapped up" he said. I nodded.

"But why are my hands on your chest" I asked with a slight blush. Luka chuckled.

"Why must you always ask so many questions" he teased. I smiled.

"Just answer my question" I said. He nodded.

"Alright, alright. I put your hands on my chest because this is going to hurt and I would rather you hurt me then hurt yourself more then you already are" he said. I nodded. He sighed.

"I really don't want to hurt you but I need to do this. I need you to take a slow deep breath and hold it till I tell you to exhale" he said. I did as I was instructed and flinched in pain as he began to feel around my ribs for any breaks. As he hit one spot I hissed in pain and dug my nails into his chest to keep from screaming. He inhaled sharply but didn't make another sound. He pressed against three of my ribs and pain shot up my body. I yelped and dug my nails deeper into his skin. I was sure he would be bleeding.

"Alright" he said in a strained voice "you can breathe regularly again." I sighed a rested my head against his chest, trying to breath past the pain in my body. He gently wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. I shook my head.

"It's not your fault" I said.

"I caused you pain" he whispered brokenly. I lifted my head and smiled softly at him.

"Yes but I also caused you pain. I think we're even now" I said. Luka chuckled.

"Alright" he said with a small nod.

"The shower is ready" Day said from the bathroom doorway. I jumped and pulled away from Luka and looked over at Day who was smiling at me in a knowing way. I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you" I said as I slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. I turned and looked back at Luka.

"Go down with your friends if you want. I'll be out in a few minutes" I said. Luks shook his head.

"I'll wait" he said. I nodded and walked into the bathroom for a quick shower and a lot of thinking. What was I going to tell Luka about my past? Would he stay if he knew the truth? Or would he leave like the others.

The Bad Boys little Fighter (completed) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang