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You feel your heart slamming through your chest, as you push yourself to run through the backstreets of Musutafu. Your legs feel like jelly, one uneven sidewalk away from giving out completely, but you tell yourself that you need to keep moving. You had lost All Might a little while ago, but you still felt the urgency to keep running. You are too dangerous to be around, at least that's what your brain keeps telling you. You needed to get out of this city, and quickly before All Might catches up to you.

You feel your movement come to a halt. All Might. Toshinori. You wonder how he felt about all of this. You were assumed dead for so long, only to be traced back to being one of All for One's goons, the very person your sister gave her life to try and stop. If that wasn't irony, you don't know what would be. Sharp pain from your leg snaps you out of your thoughts, your thigh injury not being as healed as you initially thought. You need to take a break.

Finally, taking a moment to glance at your surroundings, you realize that you are in some shabby back alley, that has little to no signs of any civilian walking by. You scan the area and see a dumpster and some empty cardboard boxes next to it. Though you were sure it wasn't sanitary, you decided to lean yourself against the side of the dumpster furthest away from the nearest street. You use the boxes as a cover to block your body from any wandering eyes. You feel your body relax as much as it could, and only now start to feel total exhaustion ache through every muscle in your body.

"You'd think with how long I was out, the last thing I would want is to sleep..." You thought to yourself. You glance up at the sky, seeing that the sun was beginning to set. You feel your eyes close. You were in quite the situation. You had no money, no ID, and were a wanted criminal. You didn't know how you could get yourself out of this situation. Plus, what happens if Toshinori catches you? What are the heroes going to do to you? You wouldn't be surprised if you were in prison for the rest of your life, or even if they decided to-

"You are really good at hiding. Then again, it always seemed to be in your nature, running away."

You feel your body tense up, as you shoot up from your spot, searching. You know that voice, but there is no possible way that he could be here right now.

"After all, our first interaction was when you abandoned your sister. And to think, people call me heartless, when there is you. You, who left the last person in your pathetic little family, to die by my hand." He mocked.

"Stop this. Y-You're playing tricks on me." Tears trail down your face, as you cover your ears. All for One is nowhere in sight, and yet you can hear his venomous laugh.

"You really think that you've escaped from me? It seems you are more foolish than Nana." He seethed. With that, you felt yourself snap.

"Keep her name out of your mouth!" You shout, anger washing over you. You heard that damned laugh again.

"Yes, keep that anger! You may be free from my hands, but you will never be free from your own anger. You'll fall into Myra's trap all over again, and be back by my side in no time." This was all just a game to him, and you hated that. You hated how easily he could get under your skin. "Enjoy your freedom while it lasts, (Y/N) Shimura."

You felt your eyes snap open, the shimmering of the stars gracing your eyes. Was that just a dream? You shake your head a bit, trying to remove the remaining tension in your body. You stand from your hiding spot, wincing a bit from the stabbing pain in your thigh. Looks like sleep wasn't an option for you, so you figure you might as well keep moving.

You exited the alleyway, making your way down the main road. You still had no real plan on how to successfully leave the city, but there was no other choice than to keep moving. The street was mostly dead, besides the very few people who were probably making their way home. However, there was one person who seemed to stand out, they had a school uniform on, and they seemed to be in a huge hurry, not realizing they were on a direct path in your direction. Before you had time to react, the student had already made a collision course into you, both of you falling firmly on the ground. You let out a small hiss, as you seem to be doing everything you could to aggravate your leg wound as much as possible.

"O-Oh crap! I'm so s-sorry!" He quickly scrambled to stand up, offering his hand to help you. "I wasn't l-looking where I was going! I am so sorry!" Could this kid be any more anxious? But something bothered you about him, his voice sounding familiar. You grab his hand, and he helps pull you up.

"It's really not a problem, accidents happen." You calmly state as you pat the dust off your clothes. "Just be more careful next time." Your eyes close as you give him a soft smile. You can feel a sudden tension filling in the air, as the boy next to you stiffens.

"Aren't you...S-Shimura?" Your eyes snap open, finally getting an actual look at the boy who ran into you. Green hair, green eyes, freckles...this was the kid from the hospital. Both of you remain tense, not really knowing what to do or say. You know you could take him if you had to, but something doesn't necessarily feel right about fighting a child. So instead, you both just stand there, having what seems to be like a neverending stare-off. You decide to just push past him, without saying a word. "W-Wait!" Footsteps quickly follow you in pursuit.

You continue to speedwalk down the block, running no longer an option as your leg feels as if it is on fire, but the kid keeps up with you.

"Please, just wait one second! I promise I'm not going to hurt you!" You stop short, snapping your head to meet his eyes again.

"Listen, I don't really care what your deal is. But I would appreciate it if you didn't shout, you're drawing unwanted glances, and the last thing I need today is to get caught. I've come too far already, do I make myself clear?" Your tone came off a lot stronger than you had intended, seeing that the kid had a slight tremble, but he was playing with your potential freedom, and you refused to get caught because of his shouting. You turn and continue down the road, and to your surprise, the kid is still following you.

"Y-You need to get your leg looked at, I think you might have reopened your wound." He spoke in what seemed like a whisper.

"Isn't it past your bedtime or something? Also, didn't your mother tell you not to talk to strangers? Stop worrying about some random criminal, and go home, kid." You sighed, still not looking at him.

"B-But you aren't a stranger! We've technically met before!" With that, you feel your eyes roll. You didn't necessarily count your semi-conscious state at the hospital as an ideal first meeting. "Plus, A-All Might knows you and he trusts you. And I trust him, so that means I trust you too!" You felt your body stiffen at the mention of Toshinori. Does he trust you? How could he? You cease your walking and turn towards the kid.

"And just how do you know All Might?" You questioned. You could see the kid tense up, sweat collecting on his forehead. His eyes averted your harsh gaze.

"H-He's a teacher at UA." He stammers. You frown a bit, not liking how long it took for him to answer.

"What are you not telling me?" You barked. "I don't like liars, kid, and you are walking on very thin ice."

"You know, if you grill the kid any harder, he's going to pass out." A voice interrupts, and you feel yourself freeze up for what feels like the millionth time today. "No offense to you, young Midoriya." Footsteps approach you from behind. How is your luck this bad? You let out a defeated sigh. There was no point in running, it was clear that Toshinori would always be able to find you. You turn your body and are once again gazing at the man from your past. However, confusion quickly consumed your features.

Why did he look so sickly in his true form?


*insert Elmo gif where he is surrounded by flames*


I'm not going to make a promise on a consistent schedule, because every time I do, I just...I don't write. BUT! I do promise to try and update this book again at least twice this month :)

I wanted you to know that it's the comments that really kept me going with this, the fact that there are still some of y'all who really like this book, and still come back to it, it brings literal tears to my eyes. I love you guys so much.

See you in the next chapter and thank you for not giving up on me <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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