Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

    Yes, when Ji Youlin returned to the mainland, in addition to the family planning to come back and send him to be a pioneer, the more important thing was to let him find his little sister who had been lost for more than 20 years.

    He has a total of four siblings, and besides the two older brothers above him, he also has a younger sister.

    It's just that when their family moved to Hong Kong that year, the little sister was accidentally lost.

    At that time, his little sister had just been born, and he was not very old, about three or four years old. He only had vague memories of his little sister.

    His memories of his little sister are very scattered. He only remembers deep in his memory that his favorite mother didn't like to hold him for a long time, and always held another child, the child he had just born. little sister.

    When he was young, he didn't know how to humble his sister, but because the little sister occupied a lot of his mother's time, which caused him to be ignored by his mother, he became jealous of the little sister. Therefore, when he was very young, he didn't like his sister very much, and even secretly bullied his sister when his parents were not paying attention.

    So much so that the younger sister would cry every time she saw him, and her younger sister had nothing but the image of a crybaby in his memory.

    Every time he thinks of this, he regrets it very much. Unfortunately, he was still proud when he didn't grow up at that time. He only thought that he was very powerful and could make his sister fear him.

    However, as he grew up, he became more and more ashamed of what happened when he was a child. Especially after my sister was lost, this guilt became more and more profound.

    He often thinks that if he hadn't been so ignorant when he was a child, he knew how to feel sorry for his sister, and took more care of his sister when his parents were negligent, then maybe his sister wouldn't be lost, and his mother wouldn't feel guilty because her sister was lost. Depressed every day.

    Their family's life was also overshadowed by this incident.

    Over the years, their family has not stopped looking for a younger sister, but unfortunately, after their family moved to Hong Kong, because of the policy situation, they had no way to go back to China to find their younger sister. I can only drag my relatives and friends who are still in the country to help me find it.

    But how caring will others be? Over the years, they never got any valid feedback. Their family never really had a good time.

    It was not until the past two years that the domestic situation relaxed, and the family discussed returning to the country for development. In this decision, in addition to everyone wanting the fallen leaves to return to their roots, more importantly, they hope to return to China to find a younger sister.

    Therefore, as soon as the family raised this opinion, he took the lead in coming back, investing and even building a factory was second, and the most important thing was to find a younger sister.

    It's just a pity that the sea of ​​people is vast, and the little sister has been lost for more than 20 years. They have no direction and goal at all, and even if the younger sister is still alive in this world, it is difficult for them to find it.

    But no matter how difficult it was, their family never gave up the idea of ​​looking for a younger sister.

    When he met Su Jinyan and the two of them, he happened to make a trip because of an uncertain clue, but unfortunately he still found nothing. He confirmed that the girl was not his little sister.

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